Monday, February 28, 2011

Elementary School

While at my parents place this past weekend, I went through
some old photos.

I found these 3 Elementary School Photos.
I used to dress like a rock star!

 Kindergarten -  1974.
They took our class photos during gym class.
I love this white t-shirt.
It is so cute & girly.
I actually dig the haircut.

Grade 1 - 1975
It has to be said first;  why didn't the teacher or the photographer
do something with my hair?
Lick their hand & flatten the one side?
I remember my cute pencil hair clip from Avon.
The best thing about this photo?
 My awesome 100% polyester shirt that had
snaps, not buttons.  I also think the vest is stylin'.

Grade 3 - 1977
Another rockin' polyester shirt.
I loved this. 
I was most likely wearing green or navy blue cords,
with my socks matching my pants and
brown leather shoes.

I still dress this way!
Today I had on a white blouse,
a black cardigan and brown cords!
I've never been a dressy dress or skirt girl.

I think I have Grade 2, 4, 5 & 6 in my photo box.
I love looking at old photos.

With camera's in phones, kids nowadays have
photos of everything.
They're lucky.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

My Weekend In Photos

I went out to my parents place on Saturday & spent the night.

The Subway was closed between Bloor & Union Station
which caused a rerouting delay. 
It got me to Union Station 15 minutes before my
train instead of my anticipated 30 minutes.
I finally got up to the ticket counter at 3:44pm. 
My train pulled out of the station at 3:43pm.

I had an hour to kill until the next train.

I grabbed a Tim's Large Double-Double, found a seat
and read my book.
I didn't win anything with my roll up the rim.
My book - fantastic so far. Really enjoying it.

When I got to Mississauga, I stopped in at the grocery store.
It is crazy how mush less the same items are in Mississsauga vs. Toronto.
This was the snow as I waited for the bus to my parents place.
It was pretty.

My Mom had a baked potato in the oven & some of my odd luck
must have transferred to her, because the potato exploded!

This was the view Sunday morning before the
wind picked up & it started to rain.

 Lovely Sunday spent chatting with my Mom at the dining room table,
drinking tea and copying some of her recipes into my recipe book.

Crockett looked at me with the, "Where were you Mommy?" eyes.
He is so adorable.

 I got home just in time to change into my jammies and get comfy for
the start of the Oscars.

It was also sweet that I got a nice hug & kiss upon arrival home from
Adam who said he missed me.
It feels nice to be missed.

Friday, February 25, 2011

I Don't Heart Toronto

The folks of Toronto in winter drive me bonkers.
Sure, I'm painting everyone with the same brush....whatever!
This is what everyone was talking about on the news last night
and was in the paper this morning:

It's Winter.
In Canada.
It's to be expected.

Toronto wonders why the rest of Canada thinks it's a city
full of whiners & wimps.

This was the sky as I stepped out of my office
this afternoon at 4:30pm.

This was the dry clear sidewalk as I took Crockett
out for a walk when I got home.

You want to see what cool people do in the winter?

They shovel their driveway and get on with it!
They plug their cars in at night.
Is this a great photo or what?
Real winter in Ottawa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If this was Toronto, the city would be shut down.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

RIP Cyrus


My heart goes out today to Alycia & her husband.
They lost their Pug Cyrus.
Read Cyrus' story here.

Not everyone understands the impact of losing a pet.
They are family, and it hurts, alot.

In my opinion, all dogs are wonderful.

RIP Cyrus

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Clean Apartment = Happy Wife

Adam and I spent our Family Day Holiday Monday
cleaning our apartment.

I did the kitchen.
Cleaned out & reorganized our cupboards.
Matched up all our containers with their lids.
Tackled our cutlery drawer which really is too big
and becomes our cutlery/junk drawer.

Adam has his own junk drawer in his Man Cave &
I have mine in the bedroom.
The last thing we need is a junk drawer in the kitchen.

Adam was my DJ, putting CD's in my radio that would
keep me moving.  Usually I have Classical music
on in the kitchen, but I needed something different
for a day of scrubbing and cleaning..
I did all the corners, the tops of the cupboard doors
and in between the counter & stove.
Our kitchen is clean.

Adam took care of his Man Cave, the living room,
the bathroom and all the garbage/recycling.
What a dear.
Once he's got his earphones on a music going, he
goes from start to finish without a break.

The only room we've got left to do is our bedroom.
The only thing to do really is the laundry, so we're all good.

It is amazing how a clean & tidy house makes me
over the moon happy.
It really is odd what makes me happy.

I went into the living room & stood on the treadmill to enjoy the view.

Looking down the hall into my lovely clean kitchen :)
I think our hallway needs an area rug.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

6 Confessions

Alycia, from one of my favorite blogs, The Curious Pug
has again participated in something fun that I'd like to do too.

1. I do not like to talk on the phone, except to family. 
    We only have 1 phone in our apartment & it is in Adam's Man Cave.

2. When I hear an odd noise, I need to find the source.

3. Sometimes I sleep upside down. Head at the feet end, feet at the head end.

4. I have dreamt of  places, where I've never been, more than once, with great detail.

5. When I was little, I wanted to be Rapunzel.

6. I love Roller Skating.  Love love love it.  Not Roller Blades - Roller Skates!

Monday, February 21, 2011

2:53am Feb 21, 2011

I heard a loud bang.
I was still half awake in bed watching the movie Troy.
Adam was in the living room watching the movie The Boiler Room.

He thought it was me I thought it was him.
We are both completely spooked.

We check the windows and the doors, all locked, alarms on.
We go back to what we were doing.

A few minutes later....BANG.

We meet up in our hallway at the front door.
Our floorboards are creaky so if there is someone on the other
side of the door in the hallway, they know we're there.
I whisper to Adam to go sit back down and turn the TV back on.
I stay at the door, completely still, eye to the peep hole
to see if there is any movement in the hallway.
Nothing. No shadows. No sound.

I go to the kitchen to take a look out the window &
grab a knife. Why? Just made me feel better.

As I turn around......BANG.
Something moves on the kitchen floor.
Is it coming from upstairs?
Are there critters stuck in the walls?
We're standing in front of the fridge spooked and baffled.

I will admit, for about 10 seconds I feared we had
a poltergeist. I really did!

Then Adam went, "Oh" and opened the freezer.

3 Diet Cokes in the freezer.

3 loud bangs as they froze & burst.

Chore for Monday - clean the freezer.

We were both awake, but now we are really awake.
Adam has made me a nice cup of tea.
I have to choose another movie to put in as Troy is almost finished.

Looks like I'll be sleeping in late....I hope!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Scary Sunday

The day started out normal enough, then about 5 minutes
after Adam left to run a few errands, my computer went nuts.

It started announcing, " new virus found ".
A gazillion pop ups occurred and then a scary
scratchy sound.

I panicked.
I turned into my father & wanted to disconnect everything
in fear that my computer was being taken over.

Adam got home and was unimpressed as he walked
in the door to find the dirty dishes in the sink.
As soon as he saw my face, he knew something was amok.

I went on his computer & saw that my facebook account
had sent out a spam message to my contact's walls.
Some BS....hey check this video out.

I promptly deactivated my account, changed all passwords
and had a few hours of shear uneasiness.

I married a man who can't fix a toilet to save his life
but thank goodness, he can fix computers.

He conquered my Trojan Horses and made me feel protected.

To relieve the stress of the day, I went into the kitchen and did some baking
while I boogied to The Bee Gees Greatest Hits.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow's Family Day off.
Perfect day to recharge the internal batteries.

The view from our kitchen window this evening.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

February Funk

I had a tough week this past week.
I continue to fight with fatigue.
This Family Day long weekend is just what I need to recharge.

Thursday night I fell asleep on the couch after watching

Last night I was fighting to stay awake at 7:30pm.
After a nice long chat with my Mom on the phone, I went
to bed & fell fast asleep. That was at about 9:30pm.

Mind you, I have been waking up super early the last 2 weeks.
I'd had so many delay issues with the TTC that I was arriving at work
sometimes 10-15 minutes late. I hate that. I really do.

I play the math/alarm clock trick on myself.
I set my alarm clock ahead by 17 or 32 or 27 minutes fast.
As I hate math, the last thing I want to do when I hear
WAH WAH WAH is try to figure out what the real time
is, so I just get up.

Last week, I'd taken Crockett out, had a shower, dressed, made my lunch,
checked the weather network and a few e-mails all before 5:30am.

I tried to sleep in this morning, but I have an awful sensitivity to the light.
I literally have to pull the cover up over my head to cover my eyes.

We've lived in this apartment for 4 year now  I still can't figure out
what to do about curtains for our bedroom windows.

The middle window doesn't open.
The outer two open like doors.
They are pretty big at 53" top to bottom
and each frame is 28" wide.
We're on Yonge Street so along with wanting curtains that work for
both light & privacy, there is also noise.
I want to be able to also have an open window.
My cheap bamboo blinds attached to each frame were
supposed to be a short term thing.
All the windows in our apartment are like this, it's just the bedroom
I'm having a tough time trying to figure out.

Fatigue and inconsistent sleep has contributed to my February Funk.
It is just that time of year that, as much as I like the winter,
I look forward to the Spring.
There is a lack of color.
No more Christmas Lights.
Everything is grey.

Plus I feel very Sloth-like and sedentary.
I need to get myself moving.
My boss has a personal trainer that goes to her
home Tuesdays & Thursdays for an hour.
I think that's awesome.
She says it tough & that she sweats.
I need that. I need to sweat. I need to have sore
muscles from more than just sitting crooked!

Hopefully this cold spell we've been having will be over soon
and I can get outside to walk more.
I'm so NOT complaining.
This has been a great winter.
Yes, it's been bitterly windy cold, but there's been
clean streets and dry sidewalks more often than not.
I won't even go into the flash freeze we had
Thursday morning. Let's just say it was the worst ice
I've seen my whole life & I just thank the Ice Gods
that I didn't fall & break something.

Today's walk in the park with Crockett was nice.
It was lasted a bit longer than the past few weeks.
It was Apollo vs. Aeolus today.
It was also lightly snowing.
It was a nice day.

I've also posted some other photos from today's walk over on my Tumblr page.

I'm going to go cuddle on the couch with my Adam & watch
the movie " Michael Clayton ".
A little George Clooney is a good thing ;)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

And I Quote

I am going to try & find the source of this jpg.
I really like this quote.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Frugal Living

With being a one income family at the moment, I've
been spending inordinant amounts of time working on a budget
that is realistic and that we can follow short term or long term or
however long it takes until Adam can secure a position.

I've read books, articles and blogs written by financial planners,
stay at home Mom's, Crazy Coupon Cutters, Freezer food Hoarders,
people who've had money and lost it,
people who've never had money and are happier and healthier,
people with debt, people without debt.
 Just type "sources for money saving strategies" into Google
and a plethora of good advice awaits.
Someone should create a font that denotes sarcasm.
Today I saw an MSN article that irked my sh*t.
I've tried finding it again but they've changed the home page.
If I find it, I'll post the link.

They were discussing, for people who've been,
"pushed to the lowest class" and how they can save money.
1. Buy a smaller house
2. Stop buying Lattes
3. Reduce eating at restaurants
4. Find fun free stuff to do ( this I like)
5. Don't give up everything - still pamper yourself.

A blood vessel in my brain almost burst.
This was not an article designed for those
"pushed to the lowest class".
 I was taken aback by what the writer of this article
deems the "lowest class" to be.

Anyway, now that I've vented, I'm going
to go sit in the living room with Adam and watch some TV.
I'd love to watch the Westminster Dog Show on TSN,
but we no longer get TSN.
See, we used to have digital TV with 500+ channels including HBO,
HDTV channels and all the movie channels.
 We also had a ridiculous monthly cable bill.

We now get channels 2-28 + 60,62, 68 and I think 70 something.
Our monthly bill. $31.96
I haven't gone to Starbucks in forever.
2 coats of red nail polish is pampering enough for me.

Post Addition:
Joanna Lumley's Nile Episode 3 of 4 tonight was wonderful.
Ethiopia is beautiful.

Monday, February 14, 2011

My Heart Belongs to Adam

I love you.
Happy Valentines today and every day.

"Today I begin to understand what love must be, if it exists.
When we are parted, we each feel the lack of the other half of ourselves.
We are incomplete like a book in two volumes of which the first has been lost.
That is what I imagine love to be: incompleteness in absence."

-- Edmond and Jules de Goncourt

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Apple Loaf

I had an uncomfortable day Saturday.
Bruxism got the better of me and I woke up

On my last visit to the MD she gave me a prescription for something
a little stronger than OTC pain relievers.
Sadly, the prescription is sitting in my drawer.
3 doses of Extra Strength Motrin didn't do it.
A hot facecloth on the forehead is in order.
Note to self:  Stop procrastinating.

I wasn't really in the mood to cook anything for dinner.
Adam did himself a fast fry steak so he was good.
I settled for a bowl of porridge.
Sadly, I added too much water & it was more like oatmeal soup.
As I had to stay in the kitchen to watch and stir my oatmeal in the
hopes it would thicken, I decided to bake a cake.

My Mom gave me the cookbook: 
Company's Coming: Muffins & More
by Jean Paré

I decided on this, only I don't have a loaf pan.

Since I used a square pan, I didn't bake it for 60 minutes.
I reduced it to 40 minutes and it was perfect.
Also, being that I'm allergic to nuts, I left them out
and didn't substitute them with anything else.

It came out of the pan cleanly and solid.

The top is good and crunchy and the inside with the grated
apple is really moist.

It cut really well and both Adam & I enjoyed it.
If I can create this while watching and stirring my oatmeal
almost non-stop, ANYONE can do it.

I'm 2 for 2 lately with my baking!
Nothing burned and completely yummy.
Which is good, because my oatmeal never fully recovered
and was not quite edible.
I had a square of Apple Loaf for dinner.
Sunday's breakfast?  Oatmeal.

Something I've started to do recently is write in my cookbooks
on the page, the date I made the recipe.
I don't know why.
Just because.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

In Memoriam - Marc

One of my favorite photos ever!
Juris, me and Marc.
April 1990

Today's date, Feb 12th, is a date I will remember forever.
Marc passed away on this date 5 years ago.
When they say only the good die young, they were talking about Marc.

I met Marc when I was 11 years old. He was 12.
My neighbour, Linda was going to a movie at the Dorval
Theater with a bunch of friends and she let me tag along.
That day was the day I met most of the people I would
spend time with outside of school, for the next 6 years.

Summers were spent at Ballantyne Pool and at the Baseball Diamond.
In the mornings, Marc and Glenn would play Golf, while the
girls would go meet up at the Arcade.
Come 1:00pm we all congregated to the Pool.
The evenings were spent again at the pool.
Adult swim from 8pm-9pm or perhaps a Swim Meet
or Water Polo game.
If not at the pool, we were at a Ball Diamond.

Winters were a bit different.
Marc went to Loyola and I went to Lachine High, whereas the
rest of our friends went to school together at Dorval High/John XXIII.
Our winter weekends were spent at the Arena.
Public Skating, Figure Skating and of course Hockey!
This was before cell phones and social media. It was a simpler
time where you'd go somewhere and you
knew all your friends would be there.
It would happen about once a month during High School.
Marc would take a different route home that passed by my school.
I'd be waiting for the 90 Bus and I'd hear him call my name.
We'd ride and talk. This was the only time we'd talk about school.
He'd ask me about my grades. He'd say how important
it was to do well and to study hard.
We'd part ways at the Dorval Terminal, he'd take the 203, I'd take the 191.

As time went on and we all grew up, summer jobs kept us all
intertwined but socially, we no longer hung around in groups of 20!

My first summer as a Lifeguard was spent at Surrey Pool.
Marc was a Maintenance Man and would come by every now and then
to tend the soccer field out back before a game.
I took this and a few other photos of Marc that day.

The summer after this one was, I'd say, the last one where we were young and free.
Life took over after that. School, work, relationships.

My life was forever changed when I was 19 and I moved with my family
from Dorval to Mississauga, Ontario. To this day, I miss Dorval.

My good friend Nathalie, the sweetheart amazing lady she is,
arranged a surprise going away party for me.
She called up some of my old friends and gave me a send off I cherish.
She'd just moved in with her beloved Bob and he had some friends there too.
I've obscured their faces out of respect & because I don't know their names.

I was so moved that these folks came to a party for me.
I was gobsmacked when I walked through her door and saw:
Marc & Isabelle
and Kim.
Kim is another lovely lady who passed away too long ago.
Oddly, Kim and Marc both grew up on Claude Ave.

Whenever I went back to Dorval for a visit, I would
often bump into Marc and it was great.
A kiss on each cheek, a hug and a smile made the trip worthwhile :)

The years went on and I made it back home less and less.
I still find out through friends who's doing what, who's getting married,
who just had another child, so I still do feel connected to Dorval.

I had heard that Marc was ill but knew few details.
A while later I'd heard some more details and was devastated.
I wrote a letter to Marc. It was difficult because we were
friends in our youth and hadn't seen each other for years.
He was now a man, a husband and a father.
It was so important for me to let him know the impact he had on me. 
The memories I hold dear of our friendship and time together.

I came home from work one day and in my mailbox was a card
 from Marc, written by Isabelle.
It was so unexpected, so lovely.
I read it and re-read it.
 I turned on my computer to check my e-mail
and had received a message from Glenn advising of Marc's passing.
I went from a high to a real real low.

I was actually going through my own health issue at the time.
I'd had pneumonia and the result of my chest x-ray
was concerning.  I was scheduled for a CT-Scan.
When I went for the results, the Doctor started our dialogue
by letting me know that Non- Hodgkin's Lymphoma has a lower
mortality rate than other cancers.

Marc's memorial service was after my CT-Scan results conversation
with my doctor and before my scheduled biopsy procedure.
Thankfully it wasn't Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma,
but Sarcoidosis of the lymph nodes & lungs.
Not life threatening, just a chronic hindrance

Thankfully one of Marc's brothers created a site honoring Marc.

They posted Juris' Eulogy
It is beautiful and heart breaking.
I've read and re-read it a few times since, every time the tears flow.

It is such a tribute to the Marc I remember.
Even as a teenager, he always chose the right.
He was always kind, never cruel.
In a very unspoken and most likely unintentional way, he held you to his standards.
He was funny but also serious.
And how so many who knew him, described him: genuine.

I think of Marc often, still.  At the oddest times.
Sometimes for a reason and other times for no reason at all.
I wish I'd known the adult Marc, because it
certainly was an honor to know the young man Marc.

I've tried explaining to Adam just how lucky I was when I was young
to know such good people.  So much that when I moved to Ontario, I thought
all the men I'd met didn't match up to the male friends I had growing up.
It took me a long time to find Adam, who is also a man of quality.

I will say that Marc, and a few others - Juris, Dave, Nathalie, Matt,
and pretty much every person in the above group shot (whose face
I haven't mucked up) are people of extremely high quality that I am so lucky
and grateful to have spent time with.

Today I am again reminded how lucky I am
and I've said a little prayer for an old friend.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Gargle With Salt Water

I was sick over Christmas.
The sore throat and congestion has since gone away but
the fatigue and general feeling of malaise never fully departed.
Almost every night at some point, I wake up, cough a few times,
Adam gets me a glass of water, and I go back to sleep.
No chest congestion, just an irritating dry cough.
We don't have a humidifier so I chalk it up to cold dry winter air.

I am just tired tired tired all the time.
You know it's bad when you fall asleep while sitting on the throne.
If I sit anywhere for more than 5 minutes and close my eyes, I'm done.

It's been really cold the last few days.
NOT complaining, as it's also been beautifully sunny
and the sidewalks are dry.
I dress in layers and I actually find the crisp air in the
morning rather refreshing.
I also have hand warmers to activate in my purse in case of emergency.
I was a Brownie and Girl Guide, I'm prepared!

Tuesday at work, I felt the top of the back of my mouth getting a little dry.
By Tuesday night, the throat was sore & the stuffy nose had returned.
I'm not sick, I'm just stuffy.
The stuffy where you lay down and your nose congests only on one side
then you turn over & the other side congests. Vicious cycle!

I will have another weekend of doing nothing, I mean, resting ;)
The weather is supposed to warm up and I've been wanting to take Crockett
down the walking trail past the Lawn Bowling Club.
It is nice this time of year. Packed snow, good trail.
Hopefully we'll get in a nice walk this weekend.

For now, I've gargled with salt water, I have a Kleenex up my sleeve and
under the advice of Gandalf the Grey, I am going to take 2 Buckley's
night-time caplets and get some sleep.

I shall not coouugghh!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Warning - This Is About Dog Poop

Our poor Crockett has had a bad belly day.
Yesterday, I cooked up some ground beef for him we had in the freezer.
Well, it didn't agree with him.

If I was Jed Clampett and Crockett's backside was sticking
out of the ground I'd have thought I'd hit bubbling crude.
Oil that is, black gold, Texas tea.

The poor little guy was sleeping in his bed in the living room.
Suddenly, he jumped up real quick, gave me a HELP look,
his ears went back and....BAM it happened.
Then , he walked and pooped, from his bed into the hall then back into and
across half of the living room to where I sat on the couch.
I held him still until the well ran dry.

It was the foulest most awful expulsion I've ever witnessed.
Good thing we have wood floors and not carpet.
If Adam or I ever get into movie creature making, we have
a good idea for the next goo-jelly-pod monster.

After I cleaned it up and mopped the floor twice, I
gave Crockett a bath & cleaned him up.
Right now he's good, but I fear a middle-of-the-night episode.

Note to self;
no more ground beef for monkey.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Joanna Lumley's Nile

Adam went to bed early tonight.
For him, that's odd. I married a night owl.
There are times I'm getting up & he's just coming to bed.

I was channel surfing after watching (what I have promised
myself never to watch again) The Biggest Loser and saw listed
on TVO; Joanna Lumley's Nile.

I have to let it be known that I, even being the Anglophile I am,
never watched Absolutely Fabulous.
To me, Joanna Lumley is forever Marjorie Majors.
Who Shirley Valentine thought had grown up and become an
Airline Hostess, but no darling, is a Prostitute.

Since watching Prince of Persia, and with the recent goings on in Egypt,
I have come to realize that I know nothing of Ancient Persia or
Egyptian or really any Middle Eastern History.
Only since my love of maps and cartography started about 15 years ago
did I learn that Egypt was in Africa. I didn't realize it was transcontinental.
There, I said it, I admit it!!!!!!

I can honestly say the ONLY history I remember from school was about
the founder of Manitoba and leader of the Métis Louis Riel.

My Dad has always poo-poo'd my interest in
movies in that they're a time waster.
"Go outside, take a walk."
Well, I also love nature, but movies and documentaries have
shown me things and taken me places I can only dream of going.
Plus, my Dad would be very happy if he understood how much I love
nature, taking walks, watching animals and also looking up in the sky.
I think our natural world & everything in it is fascinating.

However, movies have made me want to learn more about History,
 Greek Mythology, Egypt, Persia, New Zealand (well, Middle Earth),
New York City, San Francisco, The Great Wall of China,
The Great Barrier Reef, the Northern Lights, Mauritius, Hong Kong, Goa,
Ireland, Turkey...   The list could go on.

I also love the ROM. I went when they had the exhibit:
My Dad actually got me a certificate for the ROM for Christmas.
Sadly and I don't know why, I didn't go to the exhibit :

I digress. Back to Joanna Lumley's Nile.
I unfortunately missed Episode One last week, but I am
going to add this documentary to my Christmas 2011 wish list.
I'll be tuning in next Tuesday night for sure!

It's making me want to go to purchase
 a cool Tilley Adventure Hat and Vest!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

A Few Things

I got these questions below from a favorite blog I read
I love stuff like this, so I thought I'd answer the questions too.
She only had 7 questions, but I like even numbered lists so I added the last one myself.
I added this particular question because Adam showed me a
video today on youtube of a celebrity that says evolution can't
 be proven and that she thinks the Earth is flat.

1. If my house was on fire and I could only grab 3 things I would grab:
My purse (that would have my wallet, ID, camera, pills - is that cheating?).
My memory box (photos, letters & the ashes of Sheba & Max – I know creepy).

2. A smell I really like is:
Irish Spring Soap.

3. Something you might not know about me is that:
I am ambidextrous.

4. Some of my favourite websites to putter about on are:
Facebook, 9gag, Cute Overload, Huffington Post, Contrariwise: Literary Tattoos and I follow 6 blogs.

5. This week I will be:
Waking up earlier, to leave home earlier in the morning due to all the recent TTC delays.

6. Nothing makes me happier than:
Routine and structure. I know….boring.

7. A bad habit I have is:
Not putting my DVD’s back in their cases.

8. Creationism or Evolution:

Saturday, February 5, 2011

What Day Is It?

 My plan for a sleep-in this morning was dashed when my
alarm went off at 5:15am as it does Monday to Friday.
I'd gone to bed last night without turning it off.
I was confused and asked Adam,  "What day is it?"
He didn't answer. Didn't even move.

Unfortunately, Crockett thought it was a weekday
and woke up and was very kissy & in my face.
Sometimes I wake up and he is inches above my face staring at me.
As soon as we make eye contact, I get a face lick and the day has begun.

Every step seems to give him a little jolt and he jumps with excitement.
Normally when I am in the loo is when I hear his
little paws clang clanging his food bowl.
Today was no different, except that it's SATURDAY!!!!

I knew that I wouldn't get back to sleep without
feeding him and taking him outside.
Once he was fed and I was fully awake and dressed, Adam rolled over and
told me to just take Crockett on the steps, to not go too far from home. 
I had to chuckle. 
I advised him that if it were a weekday, I'd be either waiting
on the corner for a bus or already on the subway. 
How is today different?  At least he woke up!

Some sidewalks were dry while others were wet and salty
and irritated Crockett's paws.
It was a short walk with the purpose to empty his insides.

An early morning visit to the tinkle bush.

When we got back home, I slid back into bed and into a deep slumber.
Until Adam's alarm went off!
We have an alarm clock that has settings for 2 separate alarms.

I couldn't get back to a proper sleep so
I got up, tidied up the kitchen, did the dishes and
made myself a hearty bowl of porridge.

I started reading Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol.
I've read and really enjoyed
The Davinci Code
Angels & Demons.
His writing is full of suspense and really smart.
Hopefully I get through more of it tomorrow.

This afternoon I went into the kitchen for a Kahlua laced hot chocolate
and a snack but our cupboards are a bit bare, so I made some
oatmeal raisin cookies.
They are, I must say, the absolute BEST cookies
I have ever made. EVER. Even Adam agrees.

 Frothy goodness.

Seriously yummy.

I have started taking more photos now that I'm more comfortable
with my new camera.  Rather than post too many photos on my blog,
I've opened a Tumblr account.
I drew a camera (see right) that links to my account.
Click & enjoy.
I have a few photography projects in mind and this is where I'll post them,
with of course, many many Crockett photos.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Let's Hibernate

Crockett has set the tone this evening for the kind of
weekend I am looking forward to.
I want to hibernate.
Stay in my den, warm snuggling, sleeping and doing as little as possible.

It's chilly outside. 
No better excuse than to stay indoors under a blanket
drinking hot chocolate with a splash of Kahlua.
I still have to finish up my nieces scarves so they can
wear them while it's still winter and I'm enjoying
reading all my recipe books.

I still haven't decided what to bake. There is so much choice.
 Also, I've had to add a number of ingredients we don't have
in our pantry to our grocery list.
I think I need to find a Tupperware lady in my neighbourhood.
I love Tupperware.

One thing I don't want to do this weekend is
spend it with my backside in the chair.
This is how Adam & I see each other lately:

He in his Man Cave.

Me in my Nook.

At least we haven't started communicating via MSN.
We still get up to visit each other now and then.

I'm going to log off now and join my sleeping puppy.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


I have been a watcher of The Biggest Loser.
I dislike the game-play aspect of it, but I do like how
participants get to leave the regular worlds and focus 100% on themselves.
That actually makes me a bit jealous.

There are a few very bad things however about The Biggest Loser.
It's sets unrealistic expectations regarding a healthy rate of weight loss.
A woman losing 6-10lbs every week for 12 weeks, she'll also lose
her period and most likely her hair unless she takes a fish oil supplement.
No one can maintain working out at the intensity they do when on the ranch
and live a life that includes work and family.
Regular folks don't have a sports therapist to go to at the
 end of the day for a therapeutic massage and hot tub.
Lastly, they have to bandage the participants up after 6 weeks
as they have flippy floppy skin hanging here, there
& everywhere because they've lost weight too fast.

I say all of this because I have now watched online, 2 episodes of
It is a much different show.
Not only do they have people who are morbidly obese at 300-400lbs,
they have the super morbidly obese at 600lbs.

It is a more realistic way of returning to health.
The focus is diet, exercise and dealing with why they are the way they are.
They also meet with a Dietitian and have Therapy.
The goal is weight loss, but they realize it's about more than just food.
It's not a contest, there's no prize money at the end.

They go to a facility for a month, then go home, back to their lives,
with the support of a personal trainer for 4 months,
with supervision and regular weigh ins. 
If they gain or have issues coping, they go back to the facility.
The last month they are on their own then at the 6 month mark
they go back for their final weigh in.

It is interesting and I'd recommend it to anyone.
It is not just a show to get fat folks thin.
It's a show that is saving lives without the hype of a reality show.

Finding a personal trainer is an item on my Life List.
It's actually pretty close to the top of the list.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

That Wasn't So Bad

I got my snow day.
I am glad that I did not have to commute in it as it most likely would have
added an hour each way to my already long rides.

Truth be told, it wasn't a very bad storm here in
my neighbourhood of Toronto.
Yes, the roads are slippery but people should drive accordingly.
Sadly, alot don't and that is what causes the majority of accidents.
Not all, the majority.

Let me say that I will NOT be crossing any roads
except at designated cross walks and only with a green
light once the cars have come to a full stop.

Here are views from my kitchen window today.
See. Not so bad.

 6:19am - Windy with a light snowfall.

 2:00pm - Very windy with a sideways heavy snowfall.

 4:45pm. Winds have eased, no longer snowing.

9:45pm. Started to snow again.
Still no salt trucks up or down Yonge Street.

Hopefully my commute tomorrow won't be too much longer than usual.
Just to be sure I'll leave home much earlier than normal.

It wasn't a snow day where kids could go out & enjoy it
tobogganing or building a snowman.
It was a day that alot of people avoided long delays,
unfortunate traffic situations and broken bones by
staying off the roads and safe in their homes.

Just as I was finishing up writing this, I heard the air popcorn maker on 
in the kitchen.  Adam making a late night snack.
The kernels had stopped popping and being the nosy nelly I am
I yelled out, " Add more kernels or turn it off."
Adam's response, "You shut up."
Then I heard him add more kernels  ;)