Thursday, February 3, 2011


I have been a watcher of The Biggest Loser.
I dislike the game-play aspect of it, but I do like how
participants get to leave the regular worlds and focus 100% on themselves.
That actually makes me a bit jealous.

There are a few very bad things however about The Biggest Loser.
It's sets unrealistic expectations regarding a healthy rate of weight loss.
A woman losing 6-10lbs every week for 12 weeks, she'll also lose
her period and most likely her hair unless she takes a fish oil supplement.
No one can maintain working out at the intensity they do when on the ranch
and live a life that includes work and family.
Regular folks don't have a sports therapist to go to at the
 end of the day for a therapeutic massage and hot tub.
Lastly, they have to bandage the participants up after 6 weeks
as they have flippy floppy skin hanging here, there
& everywhere because they've lost weight too fast.

I say all of this because I have now watched online, 2 episodes of
It is a much different show.
Not only do they have people who are morbidly obese at 300-400lbs,
they have the super morbidly obese at 600lbs.

It is a more realistic way of returning to health.
The focus is diet, exercise and dealing with why they are the way they are.
They also meet with a Dietitian and have Therapy.
The goal is weight loss, but they realize it's about more than just food.
It's not a contest, there's no prize money at the end.

They go to a facility for a month, then go home, back to their lives,
with the support of a personal trainer for 4 months,
with supervision and regular weigh ins. 
If they gain or have issues coping, they go back to the facility.
The last month they are on their own then at the 6 month mark
they go back for their final weigh in.

It is interesting and I'd recommend it to anyone.
It is not just a show to get fat folks thin.
It's a show that is saving lives without the hype of a reality show.

Finding a personal trainer is an item on my Life List.
It's actually pretty close to the top of the list.

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