Saturday, July 30, 2011

One Year

How time flies.
It's been one year since I started this blog.
Time passes by so much faster as I get older.

Alot has happened this past year and at the same time
alot hasn't happened.

I am confident that that which did not happen this past year
will have happened by July 31, 2012!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Strange Day

Today was a strange day.

I hit the snooze button one too many times this morning and that
resulted in my falling back asleep and having weird morning dreams.
I was going up an escalator naked.
When I got to the top I grabbed 2 boxes, one to cover the front & the other for the back.
I woke up mortified.

I love having summer hours and leaving work at 1:00pm on Friday
but at times, it messes up my internal clock.
When I got to work I thought it was Monday.
I fell asleep on the bus on my way home & when I woke up
I thought I was on my way to work.

We did groceries on the way home and I thought it was Saturday.

Plantar Fasciitis has returned in my right foot and it hurts like
a motherf**ker. There's no other way to say it.
Every step feels like I'm being stabbed in the heel.
It makes me walk differently so now my ankle is sore too.
Wah wah wah.

We went & saw a movie tonight,
Captain America - it was really good.
Reminder - Marvel Films you must ALWAYS stay until the credits are done, ALWAYS.
When we left the theater I didn't know what time it was
and I wondered why it was dark.

I'm now not feeling 100% as I feel a dull headache coming on.
Hopefully I'll sleep well as I want to work on a craft project tomorrow.
Nice lazy long weekend Saturday.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

A Barking Pug

This clip was taken as I grabbed my camera quickly while eating.
Crockett was going mental as usual in the presence of a pizza pie.

I love that I have this footage of him barking.
He's not a big barker.

I wish I had more film footage of my previous dogs,
Candy, Sheba & of course my lovely Max.

C'mon Crockett, go nuts!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Ten On Wednesday

1. What colour are your toenails painted?
They are not polished. I like well groomed feet but unless I'm wearing a beautiful pair of strapy sandals with a little black dress, au naturel is best. Plus, I only wear flip flops around the house.

2. What colour are your fingernails painted?
French Manicure that I did on Sunday. Check out Day 98 on my Project 365. I took a photo last night of my handiwork.

3. What is your favourite brand of nail polish?

4. As the norm, do you DIY your nails or get mani/pedis?
I have never gotten a pedicure - for that I'm DIY. I will also do my own manicure unless I want red polish. Red polish needs to be applied by a professional as there is a fine "whore line" that can be crossed if it is not done well. The second there is one chip or nick or imperfection, it must be fixed. Nothing is worse that seeing someone with nails that have half worn off polish.

5. Have you ever had a gel mani? Do you recommend it?
Yes. Bio gel is amazing.  All natural, no plastic tips, no glue, no chemicals. It helps reinforce nails if they're weak.  With the amount of typing I do, sometimes my nails peel. I hate that.  Bio gel protects them & strengthens them really well.

6. What is the last movie you watched on television? (TV, Netflix, Redbox, etc.)
Willow.  I love Val Kilmer. Even the present fat old Val Kilmer. Madmartigan...yummy.

7. What is the last movie you watched in the cinema?
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II - twice. I saw it w/Adam on opening night in IMAX 3D. The special IMAX glasses pissed me off & didn't work well over my glasses. Even if I tilted my head, it became blurry. So, last Friday I went on my own to the 2:30pm show in 2D. Loved it. Cried just as much the second time as I did the first. Maybe even a bit more. Truth be told, I just night go see it again. Nerd Pride!!
8. Is there a movie that everyone talks about as if it is a classic but you haven’t seen?
I haven't seen Scarface.  What do you get first? Money? Power? Or the women?

9. What is your favourite movie soundtrack?
Childhood - Grease for sure.
Adulthood - Dazed and Confused for sure.

10. Have you ever seen a movie and thought it was better than the book it was based on?
No.   I have however,  really looked forward to a movie based on a favourite book & been incredibly disappointed, ie: P.S. I Love You.  Great book. Awful awful movie. Awful.

Hosted every week by Chelsea from Roots and Rings

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

My Bus Waiting Skies

The sky today was beautiful.
It was breezy and partly cloudy with little humidity.

This first group of 3 photos were taken as I waited for the bus on my
way to work just before 7:00am.

This second group of 3 photos were taken as I waited for the
bus on my way home from work at 5:00pm.
I worked an hour later today than usual.

Living in the city, I don't get to see big sky.
I see between the buildings sky.
I do look up every chance I get.
I should've become a meteorologist.
Maybe I'll take up Storm Chasing!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Birthday Cake FAIL

Today is my Mom's 78th Birthday.


She is spending it with my brother & his family so I decided to make
a nice cake for them to enjoy with what I'm sure will be an awesome BBQ.

This was my inspiration.
Source : Google Images

So, I made 4 cakes.
I know, 1 is a different size.
I thought I needed a bigger one for the base.

After they cooled down,
I sliced my pieces from each cake.
They all cut quite well.
I put them in the fridge for a hour.

I think the colors came out well.
The yellow was my favourite.
Probably because it looks the most like cake.

The icing was where I felt myself go to bits.
I started to panic as my kitchen was so hot.
The window was closed due to the humidity outside and the sun
was beaming in the window onto the counter right where I was working.

I cracked open a Mott's Clamato Caesar (see Project 365) and carried on.

I trimmed the edges and I must say at this stage, I am happy with my cake.

When it was finally iced, I was disappointed.
The cake was the perfect temperature to ice but the icing itself was too hot.
I wanted it to be a perfect smooth white block.

I camouflaged my messy cake with funky candles & dolly mixture.
Sadly, the color of the cakes could be seen through the icing :(
I was hoping for a "wow!" reaction when the cake was cut.

Oh well, this was my first try at this kind of cake.
I know my Mom will appreciate the effort.
They swung by about 15 minutes ago on their way to Phil's to pick it up.
I'm looking forward to their critique.

Until then, I'll have another Caesar!

Friday, July 22, 2011

I Had To Buy It!

When I arrived home yesterday, I told Adam to go into my bag and
check out the magazine I bought.

He said, "Vanity Fair?"
I said, "No."

He said, " Hustler?"
I said, ""

He said, "Shaved Asians?"
I said, "No, but if I see it next time, I'll get it for you."

It was a magazine that I've not bought since my early teen years.
No, it's not Tiger Beat!

Mad Magazine!
Containing satires of all 8 Harry Potter Movies.

I've taken some shots - they haven't all come out perfectly clear.
I'm having an issue with my camera.
The right side of most of my shots are blurry lately.
Did the humidity get into it?

Anyhow, here are a few shots.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Hobbit: Peter Jackson's Third Video Blog from the Set

Holy Leto Mother of Apollo!

Al I can say about today is if I see ANY dog left in ANY car,
I will break the window & steal the dog.

I saw too much skin on the bus this morning on my way in,
I am quite sure I'll see alot more on my way home.
I'm sure I'll smell too many people too!

Thanks alot APOLLO!

Source: Wikipedia

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Ten on Wednesday

1. If you could watch only one movie for the rest of your life, what would it be?
    I'm going to cheat and say the entire franchise, films 1-8 of J.K Rowling's Harry Potter  
    Series.  The reason is that they are for me, the perfect films to escape reality.

2. Let’s say someone wrote a screenplay about you; what actor/actress would you choose to play you and why?
Sandra Bullock, because she's awesome. Girls want to be her friend and guys want to date her.

3. What’s the first movie you remember seeing in theatres?
The Apple Dumpling Gang! At Fairview Theatre in 1975 - I was 7 yrs old.

4. Did you ever make out at the back of a movie theatre in high school?
I remember my 1st movie date with my High School sweetheart. Jan 19, 1985 we went & saw 2010: The Odyssey Continues. It was a boring film, so we had to pass the time somehow ;)

5. Are you a Netflix-er, Blockbuster-er or a Redbox-er? Or none of the above?
None of the above. If it is a movie I really want to see, I'll go to the Theatre. If I want it on DVD, I'll wait until it goes on sale.

6. Name one actor/actress who you would like to have a dinner date with.
Michael Caine and I'd take my Mom. I know that she would LOVE that.

7. What’s the worst movie you’ve ever seen?
Reds with Warren Beatty. 194 minutes I'll never get back.

8. Do you sneak snacks into the theatre when you go?
Yes - Nibs or Licorice.  I can't deal paying $6 for something that should be $2.99.

9. Movie theatre popcorn: love or hate it?
Love it for about 10 minutes, then it makes me nauseous.

10. What is the all-time best Disney movie in your opinion?
Peter Pan.

Hosted every week by Chelsea from Roots and Rings

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Allen & Ton

These 2 guys, Allen and Ton are my new addiction.
They are The Auction Hunters!

They are kind of like the guys on A&E's Storage Wars, only 100 times better.
I find Storage Wars is more about the bidders personalities and their conflicts
whereas The Auction Hunters is more about the
treasures they find and the profit they make.

Allen & Ton are knowledgeable about antiques, they take their
treasures to specific buyers and they are great at making deals.

Tonight, they traded 2 shot guns for a Grandfather Clock pendulum with
a guy in Texas that they called "W" due to his uncanny resemblance to GW Bush.

Good summer "guilty pleasure" TV.

Monday, July 18, 2011


It's as hot as stink today.
Everyone is walking, talking and thinking slower.

This morning, by the time I got out of the shower & got dressed, I was a hot mess.
Traveling to work on a hot city bus with A/C on but all the windows open,
I arrived at work looking like a hot mess.
Leaving work and waiting for a bus in the hot muggy crap outside, by the
time I got on the bus, I looked like a hot mess.
Walking from the bus stop to my front door completely soaked my back.
Eeeewwww disgusting.  Hot mess.

The second I got home, I put Crockett in the tub & splashed some cool water on his belly.
I then got in & enjoyed a tepid shower.
An hour later as Adam & I ate our salad and corn on the cob,
buttery hot mess.
At 9:30pm when I took Crockett out hoping it'd cooled down a bit...I was wrong.
I came back in, brow dripping, again, eeewwww... hot mess.
Jumped back in the shower.

9:45pm on the phone with Mom pissing & moaning about the heat.
Decide, (pardon my french) fuck it, lets put the A/C unit in the bedroom window.
I need to sleep & I can't leave home in the morning a hot mess.
It just sets me up for a bad day.

Here is the thing about our A/C unit; it is standard size.
Our window is oversize.
Until I can fix it up properly, we are certified 100% WHITE TRASH
with a garbage bag up at our window.

Truth is, I don't care. Right now anyway.
Tomorrow I will be mortified.
All I can hear in my head is that actor from Grace Under Fire when she played
Earl's mother and said repeatedly in a thick southern drawl, " Don't you judge me."

Can y'all hear the dueling banjo's rattling around my head?
Crockett is asleep and breathing normally and I sit here
typing, not looking like a hot mess, but rather a comfortable
gal in her jammies ready for a good night's sleep.

I'll take a photo & post it after I've figured out how to fix it!
 Actually,  looking at the above photo, I think I did a pretty good job!
I think the yellow duct tape is a nice touch along with the paper clips ;)
I am a resourceful girl, I'll give myself that!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Too Hot For Pugs

It is another beautiful sunny summer day here in Toronto,
ergo, it's too hot for Pugs.

Crockett & I went out for a walk, a slow walk.
We went around the edge of the park in the shade.

I stood still for about 10 minutes just listening to the sounds coming from this area.
I saw Robins collecting twigs, Chipmunks scurrying about and a Woodpecker
pecking at the base of a tree.  It was awesome.
Crockett got impatient so we moved along.

A great feeling when your dog looks back at you with what you interpret as a great big happy smile.

Striking a pose. Nose up, breathing in all the scents of the park.

We had a little sit down.
He wanted to cool off his warm belly on the cool grass.

When we got in, I placed him in the tub, gave him a sprinkle of cool water
and he was revitalized.
He ran around the apartment for a few minutes like a lunatic, which is standard
once he is freed from the bath.

Now, he's laying on the floor, completely asleep.
Dogs rule.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Super High to Super Low

All day today and pretty much for the last little while, I've been
walking around like a kid on Christmas Eve.

I've found it, at times, hard to contain my excitement over the release
of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II.

We were pretty close to the front of the line :)

Today, Adam & I went downtown to and saw it, in IMAX 3D.
It was everything I hoped for.
It was so well done.
I laughed, I cried, I cheered, I cried some more and I cheered some more.

The 3D glasses on my head made my glasses crooked & gave me crazy Mad Eye Moody looking eyes. Weird.

When it ended, I got really sad really fast.
The realization that that's it hit me hard.
Adam started talking to me during the credits, but I couldn't reply.
I was lost in my thoughts.
Reliving the film.
Comparing what they took or or did differently than the book.
Still now, 4 hours later, I'm still feeling very quiet.

I'm glad we saw it in 3D, but the glasses - special ones for IMAX -
were a pain. a slight tilt of the heat and.....blur.
Plus wearing glasses over glasses.....not so much.

I WILL see it again in the theater in regular 2D.
I will go alone because yes, Adam fell asleep.
I was so angry!
I kept pinching him.

The story never grabbed him, he hasn't read the books.
He said today he can't relate to any character
and that hearing the theme music - that he has heard a bagazillion
times from our DVD player - is a sleep tonic to him.

I can't really say anything else right now, it's still bouncing around in my head.
I am sad.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

A Post That Moved Me.

This post today is not all from me.
The text in bold green font was directly from Rachael's blog:

She posted an answer to a question posed to the Dalai Lama.
It is one of the most common sense things I've read in awhile.

Rachael, besides being an artist, a hat maker and a pet owner, does post
some quite deep meaningful quotes.
I enjoy her blog daily.

When asked "What thing about humanity surprises you the most?", the Dalai Lama answered:

"Man…. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived."

Things always don't go the way we planned.
Sometimes it seems that hope is lost.

It always bothered me when people would say,
"Well, there are people worse off than you all over the world,
what do you have to complain about?"
Here's the thing, I get that. I understand.
In the big picture, living where I live and having
the freedoms I have is a blessing.
I recognize that.
That doesn't mean that I am not entitled to not have a bad day.
It helps me to cope with the bad days knowing I'm blessed in so many other ways.
My life is not perfect. Far from it.
Whose life is perfect? Is there even such a thing?

The Dalai lama is a wonderful wise man.
I love listening to him speak.
His tone and delivery of words is so calming.
His smile is also adorably innocent for a man of his age & wisdom.

I am trying to focus on the now.
I forever used to think how great things would be "one day".
We have to work hard to make our "one days" become our "right nows".
Easier said than done.

Thanks Rachael :)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I Was Right!

I said Adam'd make a good Hagrid and I was right!
Adam has very kind eyes.

He even makes an ok Harry.

An odd looking Dumbledore

And a hilarious Snape!

Fill in the Blanks Wednesday

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Final Countdown

The countdown of course is for our boy wizard Harry.
I bought our tickets today online.
We are going all out & seeing it in an IMAX 3D Adventure.

Adam doesn't get it.  I am actually almost willing to wager that
he will, at some point, fall asleep during the film.
He did during the last two.

I've watched so many interviews of J.K Rowling and the cast and crew lately.
There was one I wish I'd bookmarked.
J.K Rowling said she didn't think the first book would have a big audience.
Sure, there'd be the obsessives, but not the masses that love the books.

I would characterize myself as an obsessive in this case.
I don't belong to any clubs or online groups.
Ok, I bought my awesome kick ass wand...
I've never dressed up for Halloween as a Harry Potter character.
If I did, it'd be Professor Trelawny ;)  She's awesome.
I think Adam'd make a perfect Hagrid.
He's kind and caring like Hagrid.
I can guarantee that a future family dog at some point will
either be named Dobby or Albus - depending on the breed.
But I digress.

I love the characters, the stories, the school, the portraits that move.
The MAGIC and all the Magical Creatures.
I also love that it's British.

While reading the first book, as Hagrid tapped on the wall out back of the
Leaky Cauldron, I was there.
I was 11 years old and I couldn't wait to see what happened next.

As a kid, my favourite stories were of other worlds or secret places.
Simon in the Land of Chalk Drawings
The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe
The Wizard of Oz (even though it was scary)
The Land of the Lost
The Secret Garden
Mary Poppins
Alice in Wonderland
Bedknobs and Broomsticks

As an adult, my tastes have remained the same in books and films.
I get lost in Middle Earth, often.
The Spiderwick Chronicles

These stories, in a way have become my escape,
my relaxation, my inspiration and at times, my therapy.

A few years ago, I had pneumonia. A pneumonia that wouldn't go away.
After chest x-rays and CT scans, further tests and procedures were required.
Words like Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma and lung nodules came up.

There were some weeks before my biopsy was scheduled where, for the first time, I
thought about my mortality.
My mind went 100 miles a minute for about 3 weeks.
If whatever was wrong with me wasn't going to kill me,
the stress I was causing myself surely would.

One of the thoughts I had was, " I won't know how Harry Potter ends."
See, the last book hadn't been published yet.

How odd is it, that I thought about that.
I thought about a million other things too, like would Adam re-marry?
Would my Mom be ok?
Would I ever get to see myself with a full head of grey hair?
Will I ever grow old?
Mostly, I was scared. Really scared.

That is when movies and books calmed me.
Took me out of the shit I was going through, even if it was for just 90 minutes.

That's why I love movies.
That's why I love books.

I am looking forward to seeing this final film.
I am incredibly sad that it is the last film.

The Boy Who Lived.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Saturday Morning Movie Fan

 Adam's sleep patterns have been off as of late.
By off, I mean, he comes to bed as I'm waking up.
I'm ready to spend time together & he's falling asleep.
When he gets up, he's ready to spend time together & I'm ready for sleep.
I don't know how folks who work night shifts do it.
Adam isn't working a night shift, he's just a little bit mental
and enjoys staying up all night.

Lately, I've been brightest early in the morning and by 8:00pm
I no longer function at full capacity.

This morning I think he rolled into bed around 5:00am.
I went to bed early-ish last night, so come 7:00am, I was wide awake.
The sun was brightly shining, the sky was blue and there was
a slight breeze.
Perfect Pug walking weather.

I splashed my face with water, brushed my teeth
(you never know, might bump into someone)
and took Crockett out.
He wasn't in a walking mood, he was in a sniffing mood.

He must've sniffed every blade of grass & leaf as he didn't move from
this spot for 5 minutes.

When I came back in, Adam was in a deep sleep snoring loudly.
I decided to go to the theater at Yonge & Eglinton as it's the last
Saturday of the Harry Potter Marathon and today's film is
The Deathly Hallows Part 1.
It started at 10:30am so I decided to walk down to the
theater, camera in hand and have a nice stroll.
I walked down on the shady side of the street & it was perfect.

I'm headed down to just past the tallest building that you can see in this photo.

I zoomed it & have circled the theater sign.
Google Maps says it is 1.5kms

I left home at 9:00am so I had plenty of time.

I had to stop for a coffee.
How crazy is this, there are 4 Starbucks between my apartment
and the theater. There are 2 more North of us, both within walking distance.

It was a perfect cuppa.

As I continued South, I looked up alot.
I noticed a nice design on a building that is being renovated inside.
Sadly, I can't remember what was there.
At least they're not messing with the exterior.

Also, some cool art in a frame shop window.

There's another tiny little store called Love Child that looks wedged between
2 buildings that sell the funkiest baby clothes, cool onesies and t-shirts.

I arrived at the theater well in time to be the first one in.

It filled up between 10:15am - 10:30am.
I was really happy I went, I enjoyed seeing it on the big
screen again.

When I left the theater, I noticed there was a HUGE cardboard poster.
I wasn't able to get a really good photo of it, but the one I did take
is posted as today's Project 365 photo.

I picked up some groceries on the way home and
have spent the rest of the day being quite lazy.
I am going to go to bed early again so that I can be up early again
tomorrow for another nice morning walk with Crockett.