Saturday, July 9, 2011

Saturday Morning Movie Fan

 Adam's sleep patterns have been off as of late.
By off, I mean, he comes to bed as I'm waking up.
I'm ready to spend time together & he's falling asleep.
When he gets up, he's ready to spend time together & I'm ready for sleep.
I don't know how folks who work night shifts do it.
Adam isn't working a night shift, he's just a little bit mental
and enjoys staying up all night.

Lately, I've been brightest early in the morning and by 8:00pm
I no longer function at full capacity.

This morning I think he rolled into bed around 5:00am.
I went to bed early-ish last night, so come 7:00am, I was wide awake.
The sun was brightly shining, the sky was blue and there was
a slight breeze.
Perfect Pug walking weather.

I splashed my face with water, brushed my teeth
(you never know, might bump into someone)
and took Crockett out.
He wasn't in a walking mood, he was in a sniffing mood.

He must've sniffed every blade of grass & leaf as he didn't move from
this spot for 5 minutes.

When I came back in, Adam was in a deep sleep snoring loudly.
I decided to go to the theater at Yonge & Eglinton as it's the last
Saturday of the Harry Potter Marathon and today's film is
The Deathly Hallows Part 1.
It started at 10:30am so I decided to walk down to the
theater, camera in hand and have a nice stroll.
I walked down on the shady side of the street & it was perfect.

I'm headed down to just past the tallest building that you can see in this photo.

I zoomed it & have circled the theater sign.
Google Maps says it is 1.5kms

I left home at 9:00am so I had plenty of time.

I had to stop for a coffee.
How crazy is this, there are 4 Starbucks between my apartment
and the theater. There are 2 more North of us, both within walking distance.

It was a perfect cuppa.

As I continued South, I looked up alot.
I noticed a nice design on a building that is being renovated inside.
Sadly, I can't remember what was there.
At least they're not messing with the exterior.

Also, some cool art in a frame shop window.

There's another tiny little store called Love Child that looks wedged between
2 buildings that sell the funkiest baby clothes, cool onesies and t-shirts.

I arrived at the theater well in time to be the first one in.

It filled up between 10:15am - 10:30am.
I was really happy I went, I enjoyed seeing it on the big
screen again.

When I left the theater, I noticed there was a HUGE cardboard poster.
I wasn't able to get a really good photo of it, but the one I did take
is posted as today's Project 365 photo.

I picked up some groceries on the way home and
have spent the rest of the day being quite lazy.
I am going to go to bed early again so that I can be up early again
tomorrow for another nice morning walk with Crockett.

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