Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Have You Heard That The Bird Is The Word?

Wednesday evening , after I finished watching
one of my favourite Big Bang Theory episodes, it was
nice enough outside to take Crockett for a short walk.

He can only go out for a tinkle if it's too humid.
Being a Pug with a short snout, cooling off for him in an Olympic event.
The poor monkey pants and pants and pants.
I love him to death but it is sometimes so loud, I can't get to sleep.
That AND it makes me worry about him.

While approaching the park, I could hear a Robin singing.
It was so loud and so perfect.
Once I was in the right area, I stood still to try & find it.
She was sitting on a branch up high in the sun singing her heart out.
It was lovely.

 Can you see her?
Look for her brilliant red chest in the sun light.

There were artists in the park, with their easels set up.
I tried to sneak a peak at their canvases but I felt as though
I was intruding.

I saw Daisies in the park for the first time.
The other's I've photographed this year were on
peoples front yards.
Last year the park had Brown Eyed Susan's, but as I've noted
previously, the Daisy is my all time favorite.
My wedding bouquet was mostly Daisies.

It was just to be a short walk, so I pointed Crockett
in the direction of our front door.

One final tinkle was had and now he is laying flat
bellied on the wood floor where it's cool.
His breathing is ok & he's had a nice cold drink of water.

There's only one thing to do when it's hot & you don't
have AC.  Go to bed & sleep through it.

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