Sunday, September 21, 2014


Feeling somewhat melancholy this weekend.

I miss Crockett. Today is the kind of day he loved in the park - sunny and windy.  His head would have been up high with his nose working overtime inhaling the scent of everything.

I have a To Do List with about 10 items and my body just can't seem to get up and move.

I know I'll feel better once I've done the dishes and cleaned he kitchen but to get from here to there.....ugh.

Another one of the many photos taken on our walks.

Thursday, September 18, 2014


Two realizations hit me the other day rather hard as I was sitting on the couch watching TV:

1. I am 100% absolutely fine with the fact that I will never have children.

2. I am a Dog person.  I must and will have Dogs in my life, for my whole life.

I am in no way wanting to replace Crockett. He was unique and special and my heart is still hurting from our loss.

I am however hopeful that come next spring, we will be healed and ready to welcome a little 4 legged fur life in our home & hearts.  

Monday, September 8, 2014


99.9% of the time Crockett & I were out walking, I had my camera with me.  I've taken so many photos of Crockett, the park, flowers, the neighbourhood, Adam, the sky, and everything in between.

What I did not do was organize my photos well. Actually, at all.  I fear it'll take me at least until Christmas to get all my files in order. I will admit, being unorganized like this is causing me a little bit of anxiety.

What I'm experiencing right now is a pain that is still too close to the surface to just click & file.  Every photo I look at makes the memories flood in. It really is lovely to have so many photos and videos of Crockett.  I wish I had as many of my previous 4 legged lovelies; Max, Sheba, and Candy.

I saw a post on Facebook today that said, " Every dog should have a home and every home should have a dog.", and I completely agree.  I am not one to rush about and get another dog.  To each his own when it comes to this, but for me, I need to grieve, remember, reflect, and let time pass before jumping back in.

Pet ownership is a great responsibility. One that I do not take lightly. NEVER would I want a pet as a gift, or as a surprise.  Also, pet care is costly and if you can't cover the monthly insurance and upkeep costs, you have no business getting a pet.

Here are just a few I've come across while filing. He really was adorable :)