Saturday, April 28, 2012

Photos From The Week

Crockett is awesome.

He stood there, in that spot, for at least 10 minutes.


My favorite color as of late. Orange.

The building we live in changed ownership at the beginning of the year. When an apartment is vacated, they are gutting them and doing them up all fancy.  We went in when the door was open. The plans on the wall called for an ensuite washer/dryer.  That pisses me off. However, I'm sure the rent on this place will be stupid crazy.

The result of all this work right across the hall has resulted in there being a layer of drywall dust on EVERYTHING in our apartment.  The plan for this weekend is to clean, clean and then clean some more.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Creativity Is At An All Time Low

My laptop has been back on Adam's desk in his man cave for a little over a month.  Just a few months after getting an overhaul, he went to turn on his precious one day and lo and behold, she did not respond.  He is in need of a new motherboard and a bunch of other things that cost too much money for us to pay for right now.

The result is again, I feel out of sorts.  My blog is almost like my therapist.  It was where I could sit down, in a corner nook of our room and let myself go.  The second I walk into this room, my creativity dies.  It is a dark room, not a lot of natural light and it is painted a dark chocolate brown.

Add to that the clutter - empty soda cans and gum wrappers.  Luckily, he knows how crazy mental I get when there is too much clutter.  It shuts me down and I become a very miserable person to live with.

I am also dealing with something in my head that is blocking me.  Jenn.  She passed away on Jan 7th.  I've been having difficulty organizing my thoughts when I write and when I sit down to write, it always goes back to how I am coping and dealing with her passing.  I know I need to write about it.  I have things I want to say. She pops up in my dreams as well as my awake time.  I think not going to Dorval and attending her service makes it still not seem real, but it's the many reasons for not going that I need to work through by writing.

Hopefully my 6/49 ticket for next Wednesday's draw will be the big winner so Adam can get his computer back, I can reclaim my laptop as my own and I can get over this hump and help myself. Also a million dollars in the bank would be golden.

Until then, I'll keep on waking up, putting one foot in front of the other, doing what needs to be done and bring home the bacon.

Today, I think I slept through the marathon that passed right by my bedroom window. I think the lack of traffic noise helped me get into a deeper sleep plus we both had an awful night sleep.  As soon as I got up, I grabbed Crockett and went to the park. It was cold and damp and windy. Not a good weather day.

Here are some photos of our walk.

This pisses me off. Seriously, the garbage can is not 3 feet away.

I think the Magnolia tree bloomed too early.  I hope it lasts.

Our dear sweet Crockett is starting to look like an old man. He's so grey!  He's 8 years old which is what in dog years? He is a sweetheart of a Pug and Adam & I love him to death.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Today I did that thing.  That bad thing.  That thing I fear doing which is why I hardly ever do it. I wasn't paying attention and it bit me in the ass.

The second it happened, I felt as though all the blood drained from my body.

I sent what I thought was a personal e-mail from work to Adam when in fact I sent it to the Gen. Mgr, a Sales guy, my boss and a supplier in China.

Adam and I this afternoon had a few back and forth e-mails, nothing too serious, just a " what are we having for dinner" kind of communication.  Adam has a fear of aging, I commented that he's almost 41 and is a dinosaur. He responded that he wanted to put his head in the oven.

My reply consisted of this text and this photo, attached to the other WORK e-mail I had half written:

Our kitchen isn't wide enough for you to fit!!!

For the next week or so, my boss will remind me numerous times a day that I need to check my e-mails before I hit send.  She will fine tooth comb every word in every communication and if I make any error - typographical, grammatical OR if I word something in a way that she wouldn't, she'll tell me what I should have written.

The consequences of my stupidity, as that's what it was.......being micromanaged.    F@#K!

But seriously, see! We have a narrow galley kitchen and it is nowhere near wide enough for death by Head In Oven!

Monday, April 16, 2012

My Husband Made Me Laugh

We have leftovers in the fridge that I was going to bring today for my lunch.  I did take some but not all.  When Adam woke up & looked in the fridge he thought I hadn't taken anything & I received this e-mail from him at 9:30am:

This made me laugh. Really laugh. Even now, an hour later, I giggle thinking about it.  This is my favorite meme.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Ok. Blue Jays. Lets. Play Ball.

Straight from work Friday I went out to Mississauga for a visit with Mamaa & Papaa.

Mamaa is doing a lot better, her knee is healing well and there are all around sighs of relief.  Papaa is as Papaa is and he's doing fine. 

This is what Mamaa, Papaa & myself did all weekend:

Friday Night - watched Baseball.

Saturday afternoon - watched Baseball.

This afternoon -  watched Baseball.

Ever since getting completely HOOKED on Downton Abbey, I've started referring to my parents as the daughters of The Right Honourable Robert Crawley, Earl of Grantham and The Right Honourable Cora Crawley, Countess of Grantham refer to them.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Not Writer's Block But Brain Chaos

Seriously, I do not have writers block.  I have too much in my mind and it feels like chaos.  I can't organize my thoughts clearly enough.  I'm not keeping good notes.

I need to carry around a small notebook so that I can write down what I think when I think it.  Rather than coming home, sitting in front of a flashing cursor and being unable to type a sentence that makes sense.

So to clear my mind, try to quiet the chaos, and exercise the hound, monkey (aka Crockett) and I went for a walk this evening when I got home from work.

I decided to let Crockett lead the way. There weren't too many other dogs in the main part of the park so I dropped the leash.  He got all brave and went up the path into the trees instead of his usual route on the paved walkway. We were both exhausted and hungry when we got back. We were gone almost for an hour.

A new kind of flower planted in the park this season.


Walking with purpose.






More walking.


He caught up to me.


This photo reminds me of the kid with his tongue stuck to 
the frozen pole in the movie A Christmas Story.


We were up there behind the Lawn Bowling court.


Really close to home I heard something.
Can you see him?


Can you see him now?
I love Chipmunks.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Some Answers - Part II

Back on Dec 4'11, I posted an article from one of my 

 I am going to continue answering these questions.

8.   What stands between you and happiness?
        Clinical depression.

9.   What do you need most right now?
        The ends to meet. Times are tough.
10. What does the child inside you long for?
        The freedom I had as a kid in the 70's. Pure joy.

11. What is one thing right now that you are totally sure of?
        That my husband truly loves me just as I am.

12. What’s been bothering you lately?

        Not to get all political, but the disappearing middle class.
        What scares me the most is that there are so many people, couples,  families that are literally
        one paycheck away from homelessness.

13. What are you scared of?
        I don't want to write it down for fear that it'll happen.

14 What has fear of failure stopped you from doing?
       Nothing. I don't have a fear of failure in that way.

15. What will you never give up on?
      Give up on? No idea. Give up? Potato Chips.

16. What do you want to remember forever?
       The way Adam looked at me as we exchanged our wedding vows. 

17. What makes you feel secure?
       Adam's embrace, being near my Mom, rent and bills paid, food in the pantry. 

18. Which activities make you lose track of time?
      Drawing, painting, writing, and sitting in front of the computer.

19. What’s the most difficult decision you’ve ever made?
        Signing the form giving consent for Max when it was his time to go. In my heart I knew it
        was what was best for him and it lessened his pain and suffering. That's the thing about Dogs,
        they don't live long enough, but I'll love and miss Max for my entire life.

20. What’s the best decision you’ve ever made?
        I've made a few good decisions in my life, but not one I can say was the best. Yet.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Caught one of the new subways today.

All cars are connected.
You can walk from one end to the other.

Got home early, took Crockett for a walk.
Interesting tree.

I see a Moray eel face with it's mouth open coming out of the tree. 

See this lawn? Perfect? It's astroturf!  wtf?

Crockett didn't want to walk. He wanted to sniff.
Everything. Even concrete telephone poles.

Ya, you have a nice car, but you park like a Douche-Bag. Seriously.

Because almost every blog has photos of Spring Blooms.

It was a long walk, we were both tired.

He wants supper.
Open the door!

Seriously, open the door!

Finally, my beloved, wearing my ball cap, in his man cave, still feeling under the weather.