Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Ten On Wednesday

1. What colour are your toenails painted?
They are not polished. I like well groomed feet but unless I'm wearing a beautiful pair of strapy sandals with a little black dress, au naturel is best. Plus, I only wear flip flops around the house.

2. What colour are your fingernails painted?
French Manicure that I did on Sunday. Check out Day 98 on my Project 365. I took a photo last night of my handiwork.

3. What is your favourite brand of nail polish?

4. As the norm, do you DIY your nails or get mani/pedis?
I have never gotten a pedicure - for that I'm DIY. I will also do my own manicure unless I want red polish. Red polish needs to be applied by a professional as there is a fine "whore line" that can be crossed if it is not done well. The second there is one chip or nick or imperfection, it must be fixed. Nothing is worse that seeing someone with nails that have half worn off polish.

5. Have you ever had a gel mani? Do you recommend it?
Yes. Bio gel is amazing.  All natural, no plastic tips, no glue, no chemicals. It helps reinforce nails if they're weak.  With the amount of typing I do, sometimes my nails peel. I hate that.  Bio gel protects them & strengthens them really well.

6. What is the last movie you watched on television? (TV, Netflix, Redbox, etc.)
Willow.  I love Val Kilmer. Even the present fat old Val Kilmer. Madmartigan...yummy.

7. What is the last movie you watched in the cinema?
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II - twice. I saw it w/Adam on opening night in IMAX 3D. The special IMAX glasses pissed me off & didn't work well over my glasses. Even if I tilted my head, it became blurry. So, last Friday I went on my own to the 2:30pm show in 2D. Loved it. Cried just as much the second time as I did the first. Maybe even a bit more. Truth be told, I just night go see it again. Nerd Pride!!
8. Is there a movie that everyone talks about as if it is a classic but you haven’t seen?
I haven't seen Scarface.  What do you get first? Money? Power? Or the women?

9. What is your favourite movie soundtrack?
Childhood - Grease for sure.
Adulthood - Dazed and Confused for sure.

10. Have you ever seen a movie and thought it was better than the book it was based on?
No.   I have however,  really looked forward to a movie based on a favourite book & been incredibly disappointed, ie: P.S. I Love You.  Great book. Awful awful movie. Awful.

Hosted every week by Chelsea from Roots and Rings

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