Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Ten on Wednesday

1. If you could watch only one movie for the rest of your life, what would it be?
    I'm going to cheat and say the entire franchise, films 1-8 of J.K Rowling's Harry Potter  
    Series.  The reason is that they are for me, the perfect films to escape reality.

2. Let’s say someone wrote a screenplay about you; what actor/actress would you choose to play you and why?
Sandra Bullock, because she's awesome. Girls want to be her friend and guys want to date her.

3. What’s the first movie you remember seeing in theatres?
The Apple Dumpling Gang! At Fairview Theatre in 1975 - I was 7 yrs old.

4. Did you ever make out at the back of a movie theatre in high school?
I remember my 1st movie date with my High School sweetheart. Jan 19, 1985 we went & saw 2010: The Odyssey Continues. It was a boring film, so we had to pass the time somehow ;)

5. Are you a Netflix-er, Blockbuster-er or a Redbox-er? Or none of the above?
None of the above. If it is a movie I really want to see, I'll go to the Theatre. If I want it on DVD, I'll wait until it goes on sale.

6. Name one actor/actress who you would like to have a dinner date with.
Michael Caine and I'd take my Mom. I know that she would LOVE that.

7. What’s the worst movie you’ve ever seen?
Reds with Warren Beatty. 194 minutes I'll never get back.

8. Do you sneak snacks into the theatre when you go?
Yes - Nibs or Licorice.  I can't deal paying $6 for something that should be $2.99.

9. Movie theatre popcorn: love or hate it?
Love it for about 10 minutes, then it makes me nauseous.

10. What is the all-time best Disney movie in your opinion?
Peter Pan.

Hosted every week by Chelsea from Roots and Rings

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