Sunday, July 17, 2011

Too Hot For Pugs

It is another beautiful sunny summer day here in Toronto,
ergo, it's too hot for Pugs.

Crockett & I went out for a walk, a slow walk.
We went around the edge of the park in the shade.

I stood still for about 10 minutes just listening to the sounds coming from this area.
I saw Robins collecting twigs, Chipmunks scurrying about and a Woodpecker
pecking at the base of a tree.  It was awesome.
Crockett got impatient so we moved along.

A great feeling when your dog looks back at you with what you interpret as a great big happy smile.

Striking a pose. Nose up, breathing in all the scents of the park.

We had a little sit down.
He wanted to cool off his warm belly on the cool grass.

When we got in, I placed him in the tub, gave him a sprinkle of cool water
and he was revitalized.
He ran around the apartment for a few minutes like a lunatic, which is standard
once he is freed from the bath.

Now, he's laying on the floor, completely asleep.
Dogs rule.

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