Friday, July 15, 2011

Super High to Super Low

All day today and pretty much for the last little while, I've been
walking around like a kid on Christmas Eve.

I've found it, at times, hard to contain my excitement over the release
of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II.

We were pretty close to the front of the line :)

Today, Adam & I went downtown to and saw it, in IMAX 3D.
It was everything I hoped for.
It was so well done.
I laughed, I cried, I cheered, I cried some more and I cheered some more.

The 3D glasses on my head made my glasses crooked & gave me crazy Mad Eye Moody looking eyes. Weird.

When it ended, I got really sad really fast.
The realization that that's it hit me hard.
Adam started talking to me during the credits, but I couldn't reply.
I was lost in my thoughts.
Reliving the film.
Comparing what they took or or did differently than the book.
Still now, 4 hours later, I'm still feeling very quiet.

I'm glad we saw it in 3D, but the glasses - special ones for IMAX -
were a pain. a slight tilt of the heat and.....blur.
Plus wearing glasses over glasses.....not so much.

I WILL see it again in the theater in regular 2D.
I will go alone because yes, Adam fell asleep.
I was so angry!
I kept pinching him.

The story never grabbed him, he hasn't read the books.
He said today he can't relate to any character
and that hearing the theme music - that he has heard a bagazillion
times from our DVD player - is a sleep tonic to him.

I can't really say anything else right now, it's still bouncing around in my head.
I am sad.

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