Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Frugal Living

With being a one income family at the moment, I've
been spending inordinant amounts of time working on a budget
that is realistic and that we can follow short term or long term or
however long it takes until Adam can secure a position.

I've read books, articles and blogs written by financial planners,
stay at home Mom's, Crazy Coupon Cutters, Freezer food Hoarders,
people who've had money and lost it,
people who've never had money and are happier and healthier,
people with debt, people without debt.
 Just type "sources for money saving strategies" into Google
and a plethora of good advice awaits.
Someone should create a font that denotes sarcasm.
Today I saw an MSN article that irked my sh*t.
I've tried finding it again but they've changed the home page.
If I find it, I'll post the link.

They were discussing, for people who've been,
"pushed to the lowest class" and how they can save money.
1. Buy a smaller house
2. Stop buying Lattes
3. Reduce eating at restaurants
4. Find fun free stuff to do ( this I like)
5. Don't give up everything - still pamper yourself.

A blood vessel in my brain almost burst.
This was not an article designed for those
"pushed to the lowest class".
 I was taken aback by what the writer of this article
deems the "lowest class" to be.

Anyway, now that I've vented, I'm going
to go sit in the living room with Adam and watch some TV.
I'd love to watch the Westminster Dog Show on TSN,
but we no longer get TSN.
See, we used to have digital TV with 500+ channels including HBO,
HDTV channels and all the movie channels.
 We also had a ridiculous monthly cable bill.

We now get channels 2-28 + 60,62, 68 and I think 70 something.
Our monthly bill. $31.96
I haven't gone to Starbucks in forever.
2 coats of red nail polish is pampering enough for me.

Post Addition:
Joanna Lumley's Nile Episode 3 of 4 tonight was wonderful.
Ethiopia is beautiful.

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