Sunday, February 6, 2011

A Few Things

I got these questions below from a favorite blog I read
I love stuff like this, so I thought I'd answer the questions too.
She only had 7 questions, but I like even numbered lists so I added the last one myself.
I added this particular question because Adam showed me a
video today on youtube of a celebrity that says evolution can't
 be proven and that she thinks the Earth is flat.

1. If my house was on fire and I could only grab 3 things I would grab:
My purse (that would have my wallet, ID, camera, pills - is that cheating?).
My memory box (photos, letters & the ashes of Sheba & Max – I know creepy).

2. A smell I really like is:
Irish Spring Soap.

3. Something you might not know about me is that:
I am ambidextrous.

4. Some of my favourite websites to putter about on are:
Facebook, 9gag, Cute Overload, Huffington Post, Contrariwise: Literary Tattoos and I follow 6 blogs.

5. This week I will be:
Waking up earlier, to leave home earlier in the morning due to all the recent TTC delays.

6. Nothing makes me happier than:
Routine and structure. I know….boring.

7. A bad habit I have is:
Not putting my DVD’s back in their cases.

8. Creationism or Evolution:

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