Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Warning - This Is About Dog Poop

Our poor Crockett has had a bad belly day.
Yesterday, I cooked up some ground beef for him we had in the freezer.
Well, it didn't agree with him.

If I was Jed Clampett and Crockett's backside was sticking
out of the ground I'd have thought I'd hit bubbling crude.
Oil that is, black gold, Texas tea.

The poor little guy was sleeping in his bed in the living room.
Suddenly, he jumped up real quick, gave me a HELP look,
his ears went back and....BAM it happened.
Then , he walked and pooped, from his bed into the hall then back into and
across half of the living room to where I sat on the couch.
I held him still until the well ran dry.

It was the foulest most awful expulsion I've ever witnessed.
Good thing we have wood floors and not carpet.
If Adam or I ever get into movie creature making, we have
a good idea for the next goo-jelly-pod monster.

After I cleaned it up and mopped the floor twice, I
gave Crockett a bath & cleaned him up.
Right now he's good, but I fear a middle-of-the-night episode.

Note to self;
no more ground beef for monkey.

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