Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Prince of Persia - The Sands of Time

 Adam rented me this film;

I really enjoyed it.
I had no preconceptions or expectations.
It is based on a video game that I've not played.

It's a Disney Film but with a Jerry Bruckheimer
lets make another franchise feel to it.

It was a what it should be; 2 hours of fun, fantasy,
entertainment with good looking people, some great sword fights,
a Villain, a Jester, a King, Princes and a Princess.
Of course, the Disney Happily Ever After.

I actually like Jake Gyllenhaal in the lead role of Prince Dastan.
As it was a cast filled with Brits, he had a dialect coach
to master the British accent.
He had the same coach as Renee for Bridget Jones
and Gwyneth for Sliding Doors.
I think he aced it. Well done.

Throw in the great Ben Kingsley
and Alfred Molina for some star power.
Characters that added spice were the Hassansins.
Once the King's personal Assassins, now a secret tool for the bad guy.
I also like how they worked in Twirling Dervishes/Sand Dervishes.

Plus, to tell the truth, if I was 14 years old, I'm quite sure I'd have
a picture of Jake hanging in my locker ;)

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