Sunday, January 2, 2011

Cookies Like Adam's Mother Used To Make?

As this is the second day since Sunday Dec 19'10
that I finally feel that my cold isn't ruling my world, I decided to
tackle some baking that I'd put off.

These are cookies that Adam enjoyed in childhood that I
am desperately trying to replicate.


Everything but the Flour

Flour added & mixed

Divide into 4 balls

Wrap in Wax Paper - Refrigerate for min. 2 hours.

After taking a short nap - at 9:00pm at night (crazy) I have taken 1 batch
from the fridge and am ready for my 1st attempt.

Feedback from past years/attempts has been that I don't make them thin enough.
Rolling them out thin is the easy part.  Getting them up off the counter and onto the
cookie sheet intact is the tough part.
That is why they are basic circles and not fancy Christmas cut out shapes.

Thin enough?
The direction said 350 for 10-12 mins.  I put them in for 10 mins.
Some are still too well done.
And too thick.

The last half of the batch were so thin, my metal spatula almost scratched
my counter.  They are super thin.
I only put them in at 350 for 7 mins.

The feedback from Adam is that they are thin, but not orangey enough.
I know he is appreciative, but as the baker, I just want him to
take a bite, make yummy noises and smile.

The recipe called for 1 tbsp of orange rind.
I still have 3 batches in the fridge. I'll experiment with the next batch.
try to add some orange extract or additional rind.

Tomorrow, I will complete the final 3 batches and
what will be will hopefully be cookies that make Adam happy.

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