Saturday, January 15, 2011

Dog Boots - Part Trois

Last night, I was exhausted.
After having so much time off at Christmas (NOT complaining)
it has been tough to get back into the work routine.
I also had a task to complete this past week
that was very data entry intensive which in itself
makes me mentally tired.

Upon arrival home last night, I put on my flannel jammies
and laid down on the bed under a comfy blanket for a nap.
That was at about 6:30pm.
I woke up this morning at 10:30am.
Well rested.
The kind of over sleep where I have lots of dreams.
I can only half remember them now a mere 90 minutes later.

We had a nice snow fall overnight and I was really looking forward to
my Saturday morning walk with Crockett.
I pulled out the box of ridiculous balloon Dog Boots
and as soon as he saw the color orange he sat straight up
in a defensive position and gave me the stink eye.
As soon as I moved closer to him, he bolted to
the living room and hid under the table.

I wrapped myself up nice and off we went.
Here is our walk in pictures.

The sidewalks are good. Not slippery and no salt.
The streets are not in good shape for driving.
They haven't been plowed.
If Yonge St. hasn't been plowed I fear for the side streets.
When I came inside, the radio news announced that the OPP are
getting accident notifications every minute.

He likes the snow. He just looks confused when trying to decide where to *go*.

This photo is a good measure of the snow fall.

Good thing I tucked my jammies into my boots.

As we were walking I heard birds singing. It was really nice.
I looked around and caught sight of 2 Cardinals.
I didn't want to move to and scare them away.
I put my camera on the Landscape setting and used the zoom feature.
I didn't think they'd come out  clear as I didn't let go
of Crockett's leash for fear he'd spook them.
They came out ok.  If you click on them & look at them
larger you can see the detail better.
There are two birds.
There is another one further back in the tree.
If you look left you can see a bit of red.

I pass this everyday.
Crockett frequently tinkles on it.
With snow on it, it looks like a face.
Adam says it looks like the Iron Giant.

I'm back indoors, eating a hearty warm porridge with a cup of tea,
but outside playing is I think, the place to be today.
As long as you're nowhere near cars or the road.

Adam was a dear and did all the house cleaning chores last night
while I was in an deep slumber so on my to do list today is NOTHING.

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