Tuesday, January 18, 2011

My First Face Plant of Winter

So it was 10:40pm and Crockett needed to go
out for his last tinkle before bed.

I bundled up warm with my kick ass boots
but I didn't wear my mittens.

It was actually wasn't cold. It was almost foggy.
Just cool enough for all the rain to start to freeze.

The sidewalks were okay as long as they were navigated with caution.

Instead of going to the park at night, that also has many stairs, I
decided to go the other way & let Crockett run around in the
snow next to the Church across the street.

He had fun, but I made a bad choice coming back.  I didn't cross
the street at the light.

I slipped and fell flat on my face in the middle of Yonge Street.
I had Crockett on the leash so my right arm was extended and
- this may be too much information - 
but my right boob took the hardest hit.
It's like I landed right on it.
Both my knees hurt and the palms of both hands
are still burning.

The thing that freaked me out was that, as I said, I didn't cross at the lights.
I feared that it'd run over my head & Crockett.
Thank goodness I was wearing my pink hat!
He saw me in his lights & stopped to ask if I was ok.
I think I'm sore now because of how fast I jumped back up off balance.

I learned a lesson tonight.....
Don't be stupid!

Face Plant - a visual aid.
Click on it for a bigger look.

My burning sore red hand.


I have really hurt myself with that fall last night.
When I got into bed my hands were still burning.
My right wrist, elbow & shoulder were just screaming.
I had a very uncomfortable night and
woke up with a shoulder that just isn't working and very very sore.
Getting dressed was not fun.
Typing is actually painful too.
I can't extend my arm out.
So today, it sucks to be me.

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