Sunday, January 9, 2011

Inability To Concentrate

Today, I've not been able to concentrate on anything.

I made the 3 batches of Christmas Cookies
that were sitting at the bottom of my fridge - reminding
me that my Christmas didn't turn out as planned.
I don't know if I will ever be successful at making
them like Adam's Mother made, but I will
keep trying.

Other than making the cookies, I've been completely useless today.
I tried to have a good think, but my mind is a jumbled mess.
I'll just have to put my thinking off for another week.

I made a promise to myself that no matter how
difficult and challenging the next few months are, I cannot
forget to take care of myself.
I will have Oatmeal for Breakfast.
I won't skip lunch or rush through it based
on the # of e-mails in my Inbox.
I will walk on the treadmill daily to get my blood moving.
I will sleep between 7-8 hours a night - EVERY night.

That being said, time for bed.

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