Saturday, January 8, 2011

Dog Boots - Part Deux

Cool Dog Boots with Velcro fasteners and rubber soles
with treads are not made small enough for Pugs.

It is funny that I even thought Dog Boots like these would
be possible for our Crockett.
This is a dog that is so squirmy, I had to take him daily
to the Vet just to put in ear drops.
I've NEVER been able to clip his nails.
He even resisted to be trained to give me a paw.

He likes to cuddle.
He gives kisses.
He lets me clean his eyes - but that's about it.
I can't get anywhere close to his nose.
That little dry bit of skin that he gets sometimes on the top
of his nose in his Pug wrinkly face begs to be removed.
Can't can't can't get near enough to it.

The folks at the Dog Boutique told Adam that for a Pug, these
are the only option.

I say Dog Boutique because only a Boutique can get away with charging
$25.00 for a dozen freaking balloons!

I've seen dogs with little orange booties on before but never close
enough to see that they are balloons.

Today we woke up to a snow covered world, which means
a salt covered sidewalk.

As soon as I grabbed Crockett's leg, he bolted.
I asked Adam for some help, got him to pick him up
and was able to get one balloon on a back paw.
Crockett then rolled in Adam's arms like a Crocodile and had
to be put down so he wouldn't get dropped.

I equate the effort to get this one balloon on a Crockett paw 
as trying to get into Spanx.

Crockett retreated to his safe place under the table
and gave me the stink eye so that I would leave him alone.

I don't think he even knew he had it on.  He didn't try to shake it
off or even look at his paw.

I did keep the one paw covered when I took him out.

 Unless the salt gets completely unbearable, Crockett
will go out with naked paws and be dropped
in a shallow tub of luke warm water upon arrival
home to get the salt off.

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