Saturday, August 13, 2011

Cicadas and Bees

Today, there were too many wedding parties getting photos taken in the park so Crockett
and I went on the trail that goes around it.
It was a good idea because it was in the shade & good for Pugs.

The Cicada's were out today in full force.
I love the sound they make.
It reminds me of when I was a kid.
We had them in the trees in the neighbourhood.
I used to think it was the sound of tree frogs.

As soon as we got out of the trail and back onto the edge of the park,
I saw this dead Cicada being devoured by Ants.

There were also alot of the small white moth looking Butterflies fluttering
about & landing on the plants and flowers.
This one sat long enough for me to get a shot of it.

Normally, I only see Bees in this park on blue or purple flowers.
Today, they were on everything.

Remembering that Bees smell fear, I remained calm & got
as close as I could.
These 3 below were my best shots.

This flower was huge. It was at least 4" in diameter.
They've surrounded them with little plants that look like
little hot peppers.

It was a nice walk this morning.

Even sitting here now, with the window open facing
Yonge Street, in the city, I can hear the Cicadas in the trees.

Love it.

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