Thursday, August 11, 2011

Funky Town and TV

This week, I have been in a funk.
The last thing I want to do is write my blog when I'm that way
as I tend to get negative, piss and moan, and end up in a really bad place.

I also finished the book The Bell Jar and I do have to say, it
wasn't a good book for me to read as it truly did make my mood dark.
Sylvia Plath is such a good writer that I was feeling what the character was
feeling and it was a character who was in an asylum!!!!

My right foot with its plantar fasciitis has really been causing me grief.
My ankle is still compensating for the pain I feel with every step that it
is also sore and by the end of the day, I have a cankle.

I've been numbing my brain in front of the TV this week more so than usual.
Numbing, because hardly anything I watched added value to my life except
for the new Discovery series Curiosity.
The 1st episode was with Stephen Hawking and it was,
"Did God create the Universe?"
It was a great show, Stephen Hawking is brilliant.

I do have a question.
What happened to A&E?
I used to really enjoy Sunday afternoons w/A&E, now, not so much.
Yes, I find Hoarders fascinating. Terribly sad & fascinating.
But did I really need to spend 2 hours watching a dude clad in leather
with a mullet kill a trailer home filled with cockroaches?
Billy The Exterminator?
Is he the new Dog?  Is his Mom the new Beth?

I was excited when I flicked past  TVO  last night and they were about to air a
documentary until I saw that it was Food Inc.
I saw that once - not all of it, I had to shut my eyes, block my ears and yell
"blah blah blah blah" during the scene at the slaughterhouse.
Food Inc is like many documentaries, important to watch....once.

I will however, NEVER watch The Cove. 
I think that it would change me. I'd get PTSD.

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