Sunday, August 28, 2011

A Day in Pictures - Lots of Chalk

Today, I met my Mom for lunch & then we took a walk up to
Toronto City Hall Nathan Phillips Square to
see all the chalk messages for Jack Layton.

I tried another finger upon CN Tower shot and again, failed!

Mmmmmm dessert.
Me - Creme Brulee
Mom - Butter Tart

It's amazing the things you find when you walk inbetween buildings in Toronto.

These are some of the chalk messages written at
Toronto City Hall Nathan Phillips Square
to Jack Layton & his family.
It was very moving.

There are messages written in many languages.

Toronto City Hall. Where Adam & I got married :)

This message above was not too clear but it reads:
" Thank you Toronto!
Your support got us through
this difficult time.
With love, the Layton Family"

There were so many seagulls flying over head.
It was a beautiful sunny and windy day.

I got pooped on!
Supposed to be good luck.
At least it was my pants & not my head!

There was a constant stream of people.
Most with cameras and quite a few with tears in their eyes.
It's one of those events that just happened organically
and it's very special.

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