Friday, August 19, 2011

I'm In A Really Good Mood

After too long a time of having some life stresses, and last week
probably being one of the worst weeks I've had in a really really long time,
things seem to have tuned a corner and are looking brighter.

I finished early today & my commute was a pain in the ass.
I left work at 1:00pm.
I walked in the door at 3:00pm.
That's just stupid.
But, the weather this afternoon is sunny and breezy and nice.
Crockett was so happy to see me & scratched on the door, which is
Pug for "Walk".

Here are a few of our walk photographs.

Can you spot the Pug?
I was being super lazy & sitting on a bench in the shade.

He then started to trot quickly so I had to get up fast & catch up to him.

I say trot, because he stuck this horse-like pose at the top of the steps.

Can you spot the Pug?
My Mom used to do this to a shrub we had in the front yard at Handfield.

I was getting odder than normal looks from people today.
Alot of smiles and eye contact.
Then I realized I was wearing this shirt.

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