Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Ten On Wednesday

1.  What condiments are always, always in your fridge?
Ketchup, Mustard, Mayo, Steak Sauce, Hot Sauce. Many different hot sauces. Adam likes them, I do not. He tries the most obscure brands. His current favorite is:

2.   How do you like your steak cooked?  
Medium well.

3.  What’s your favorite use for fresh tomatoes?
Many uses. Toasted tomato sandwich, diced with Avocado and a Dijon mustard dressing, as a side dish with Kraft Dinner, sliced with scrambled eggs, on salads and finally, Bruschetta.

4.  What’s your go-to dinner when you haven’t planned anything in advance and you don’t feel like going out?
Pasta - Adam. Tuna Melts - Me.

5.  What’s your favorite snack food lately?
Lately? Always. Potato chips.

6.  What’s your favorite weekend breakfast to make at home?
Fried egg sandwich - Adam. Scrambled eggs and toast - Me. I don't do fry-ups anymore as great as they are. I'd rather go to The Sunset Grill as a treat once every couple of months. There's no greasy clean up that way.

7.  What’s your favorite thing to grill?  How do you do it?
Apartment living hasn't given me opportunity to grill. We don't own a BBQ. I can't remember the last time I had a BBQ :(

8.  What’s your favorite wine for under $10? If you’re not a wine person, what brand of beer is your favorite?
I don't buy wine. If I was to it'd be white & it would be something my Dad would tell me to get. Red wine gives me a headache. I've never been a beer drinker. I don't like the taste at all. The only beer I ever had was the first really cold sip of my Dad's Molson Export when I was a kid. I don't think I ever got any beer, just a frothy moustache.

9.  Give us your most delicious cocktail recipe.

10.  How do you like your eggs?
Scrambled or over-easy and ALWAYS with the little umbilical cords do-hickeys removed before preparation.

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