Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Ten On Wednesday

1. How do you pronounce the word aunt? Does your pronunciation rhyme with ‘haunt’ or ‘can’t’?
Aunt that sounds like awnt.  I think awnt sounds alot different than haunt.

2. Do most of the people in your life know you blog? Or are you partially or totally anonymous?
The important people know about it. Other than that, I don't talk about it. 

3. When you grocery shop, do you prefer to bag your own groceries or do you like it when the store bags them for you? Paper, plastic, or reusable bags?
Since Toronto started charging $0.05/bag supermarket cashiers don't bag anymore ever.  I like to bag my own as I'm a bit of a tight ass about that any way. I put items on the belt in the order they're to be packed.  I bought a good buggy that makes it easier on & off the bus. For just a few items, we always use reusable canvas bags.

4. Do you have a green thumb?
Sadly no.  I have one house plant now that my Mom gave me & its lasted the longest of any house plant of mine ever! I've never had my own garden. When I am able to have my own garden I'm much more interested in having vegetables than flowers.

5. If you watch the Food Network, which chef/show host is your favorite?
I am not a regular watcher of the Food Network.  I might flick though & stop on a show on a Sunday afternoon if I'm interested in the dishes being featured. I love reading cookbooks more than watching someone else make something.

6. Do you like to take baths? Do you take them very often?
Love baths. Prefer them to showers. I could spend hours upon hours in the tub. A few hot water refills & a good book and that's an afternoon. I don't get to enjoy them as much since I share a bathroom with a dirty man. It's not as relaxing when you have to spend 20 minutes cleaning the tub before getting into it.
7. What color are the walls in your kitchen?
White. The only other colors I like for kitchens are very pale butter yellow.

8. Do you prefer to dine outdoors or indoors?
Indoors - in the city at least. I don't enjoy restaurant patios. If I had a back yard with a gazebo or a cottage that would be totally different.

 9. Describe your ideal weather.
Fall. Turtleneck/long sleeve shirt weather is what I like best. Comfortable. Not too hot, not too cool.

10. If you could learn any foreign language, which would you choose to learn?
Cantonese or Mandarin.

Ten on Tuesday is hosted every week by Chelsea from Roots and Rings

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