Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Ten on Wednesday

1. Do you do laundry all at the same time or a load here and there?
Before I met Adam I used to do my laundry like clockwork every Friday night. Now, it gets done as needed and to be honest, Adam does it now more than I do. The only part that I still do is the folding.

2. What kind of detergent do you use?
We used to like GAIN.  We tried one of their new scents & it nearly drove Adam mental. Seriously. He was feeling really ill for about a week and feared that our fridge was leaking some noxious gas.  It ended up being the GAIN dryer sheets I'd left on a shelf in his man cave.  We threw them out and now we really like using Arm & Hammer with Oxy-Clean Cool Breeze. It smells fresh but not too overpowering.

3. Do you use liquid fabric softener?
No. Since we live in an apartment, we don't want to have to run down to the laundry room to catch the rinse cycle.

4. Do you use dryer sheets?
Used to until the GAIN situation (see #2).  We will again in winter, an unscented brand, just to deal with static cling.

5. Do you iron your own clothes or take them to a cleaner to get pressed?
We rarely need something ironed but when we do, I'll do it.  Honestly, I love ironing. I think it is one of those things that takes me back to my childhood in that I love the smell of freshly ironed cotton shirts.

6. Do you like heavy starch or light starch?
No starch. I've never ever used it.

7. Do you wash all your laundry at once or separate it?
We'll mix loads if it's t-shirts, sweats, jammies, towels...nothing that we'd go outdoors in.

8. How do you separate it? By people or by colors?
Both. My work clothes are always done separately so that they don't get Crockett hair on them.
Adam has so many t-shirts they normally get done together and our jeans get done together. Then by color; White Whites, White/Grey, Bright Colors, Black.

9. What clothes get hung up and what goes in drawers?
We hang up everything except shorts, t-shirts, jammies, socks & knickers.

10. Do you use plastic, wire, or wooden hangers? Do they all match?
In my cupboard they are all white plastic.  They all match. All shirts are hung facing the same way and go back in the same place they were taken from.  Adam's cupboard has any color, plastic, wood, wire and the shirts don't all face the same way when hung. He isn't kooky like me.

Ten on Tuesday is hosted every week by Chelsea from Roots and Rings

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