Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Dirty Cutlery and Not So Bright Whites.

As previously posted, Adam and I are currently in a Role Reversal.
I am out at work, he is at home holding the title of Domestic Engineer.
When it comes to the cleanliness and tidiness of our mutual living spaces,
he has kept up his part of the deal.  He makes me very happy.

Adam and I do have very different levels of tolerance when it comes
to tidiness and clutter.

His office/fortress of solitude is his space.
I have come to be able to walk past the door and not see the chaos.
As long as Adam has access to his keyboard and a clear view of his monitor,
all is good.  Add in a few dirty dishes and he's still ok.
There have been times when answering the phone has caused a wave of empty and
partially empty diet coke cans on his desk to go crashing to the floor.
Don't even get me started on how the phone cord is always twisted.
I don't know what his trigger or his breaking point is but when it gets too much,
he doesn't just tidy, he does a full on, top to bottom clean.

For me, clutter = chaos.
It shuts me down.
Especially in our small kitchen.
I need clean counters and a clean sink.
This has resulted in me placing a Tupperware container on the
counter next  to the sink for all the dirty cutlery. 
This drives Adam insane.
I don't know why. He explained it to me once but I wasn't listening.

Off topic:  Since our role reversal, I've learned some male habits.
He can talk to me, I can respond and when all is said and done,
I have no idea what he said. I just wasn't listening.

This is what he looks like when he tells me to stop putting the cutlery in the tub:

Again, I will be 100% honest. I would love to switch positions with
him and I know one day I will.
I want to be a Domestic Engineer.
I want to have a schedule on the fridge for my chores and clipped coupons.
I want to wear an apron.
I want to make bread from scratch.
I want to my family to know what they are going to have
for dinner based on the night of the week.

Believe it or not, I really enjoy doing the laundry.
Right now it sucks because we are in a building that
has 16 Apartments and we share one washer & dryer.
$1.50 load.
30 minute wash.
60 minute dry - that doesn't completely dry or dries so much it's too hot to handle.

This has resulted in our inability to do more than 2 loads at a time.
Yesterday we did a grubby load.
T-shirts, socks, skivvies, dish towels.
We threw in a new white hand towel and look....

It came out grey.
One never knows what the previous load consisted of.

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