Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Merry Christmas to Me and a Stupid Way to Die

I've pooled all my Christmas money together
(thank you to those who contributed xox)
and bought myself a new camera.

I am totally going to have to read the instruction manual.
There is a setting for *kids & dogs*.

The first few photos came out blurry.
It also did odd things to the lighting.

The lights in the Living Room were on but it focused in on Frosty.

It's really pretty outside. It's not windy & it is snowing nice big flakes.

I took a this shot on Auto from my kitchen window.

I HAD to take a photo of this:

There is a reason.

About 30 minutes ago, I didn't feel well.
I felt odd.
Mini panic attack? Hot flash? Irritable belly?
Whatever it was, it passed as fast as it arrived.

10 minutes later, Adam went to the kitchen & swore out loud.
He had a potato in the oven for an hour & the oven wasn't on.
The gas was on, it just didn't light.

This is the 1st place I have ever lived with a gas stove.
I love it. It bakes great. Doesn't burn everything.

With the messed up electrical in this bldg it doesn't always
make the click click click sound and light.

It is for this reason that I asked my folks to buy us a
Carbon Monoxide Detector for Christmas.
They did.
Last year.
I had to dust the box off before I took the photo.
If Adam & I were to die this way, I give permission
for everyone at our service to say we are idiots.

I was going to make myself a note to call my Dad & ask
him to come over & help me install it.
Then I took a closer look & it's a plug-in.
It says it right there on the front of the package.

Thing is, seriously, the ONLY outlets in this apartment that
are not installed sideways on the base boards are
in the kitchen.

If I put this in the kitchen will it go off every time I use the stove?

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