Monday, December 27, 2010

Cold - Inside My Respiratory System and Outside With The Wind Chill

My cold is still ruling my world.
Boxing Day was spent in bed dozing off
 between coughing fits, nose blowing
and doses of Buckley's.

I pulled my lifeless body out of bed at 5:00pm to put the
Turkey in the oven & make my husband his Christmas Feast.
Mission accomplished.
He made yummy noises, had second helpings and
said it was the best Turkey ever.

I had a tiny bit with some cranberry sauce,
mashed potatoes & stuffing.
I could taste that it was moist, but that's about it.
Even the sage in the stuffing wasn't strong enough
to awaken my taste buds.

Today my cold is trying to take up residence in my chest.
Not good.
No doubt I'll spend the day trying to rid myself of phlegm bunnies.
I need to really rest & take care of this cold so that
my Sarcoidosis doesn't flare up.

I have gone outside to take Crockett for his walks.
Wrapped up well in multiple layers with hat, hoodie, scarf and mittens.
It doesn't feel like Christmas outside, in that it didn't snow.
I am NOT complaining.
I love that we have snow on the ground and dry clear
streets and sidewalks.
I fear the day the storms of Europe and the Eastern
Seaboard hit Toronto. 

I'm looking forward to my lunch of chicken soup and a grilled cheese sandwich.

Crockett & my awesome new Ecco Boots.
They're super warm, water proof & have amazing grip.
Maybe I'll make it through a season without a tumble on my backside.

Very cold crisp Boxing Day.

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