Tuesday, November 30, 2010

It's Getting Closer!

Tomorrow is December 1st.
The Christmas season officially begins.
Which radio station will be playing carols 24/7?

Tonight, one of my favorite Christmas traditions occurred;
How The Grinch Stole Christmas was on tv.
It doesn't matter how many times I've seen it, it is part of Christmas for me.

I was happy to hear that my almost 6 year old niece Abby watched it too.
Poor kids birthday is right after Christmas.

I don't know what is different about Christmas for me this year, there's just something.

We've had a tough year. A little stressful, well, alot stressful. A little scary at times.
It's been a roller coaster and I prefer the merry-go-round.

Right now, at this very moment I am happy.
Very happy. I think that's huge.
I'm consciously looking at the glass as half full vs. half empty.
I'm grateful that it's half full.

All of the people I love are alive and healthy.
I just wish we were all geographically closer.
It would be nice to drop in for a cup of coffee or tea and a chat.

I get to wake up everyday with my Adam at my side.
Crockett is always happy to see me when I walk through the door
and to top it off, Adam now makes my tea to perfection.

Lucky girl.

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