Sunday, November 21, 2010

First Snow and the Reverse Sneeze

We have our 1st snow this season.
It is just a light dusting, nothing too exciting.
Then again, I live in Toronto where when it rains or snows people
forget how to drive and panic.
Too much snow and they call in the army.
I learned how to drive in Quebec, in winter, in a Chevette.
That's how everyone should learn how to drive!

Our Crockett causes me stress with his breed specific issues.
This weekend, the dreaded Reverse Sneeze has reappeared.
Read HERE for a full description of the Reverse Sneeze.
All I can say is it is terrifying.

Crockett was enjoying the fresh park air.

Then, it happened......
Here's the back end of an episode.
At 0:03 is his last gasp.
I wish I could film one start to finish, but I am
more concerned at the time to have my dog breathe
than get the camera on, you understand.

Once he has an episode he's not much interested in walking anymore,
so we slowly walk home.
It's taken a while for me to stay calm during these episodes as to not
make him worse by giving off bad energy.
Thank you Cesar Milan.

Today, there will be alot of Pug cuddling.

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