Saturday, June 4, 2011

Movies and Dogs

This morning it was raining.
A perfect day for me to see the next Harry Potter Film
The Chamber of Secrets.
I saw the same folks at the theater as last Saturday.
Creatures of habit we humans are, we all sat in pretty much the same seats.
Next week will be my last.
The Prisoner of Azkaban is my favorite.
I love Gary Oldman.
I've said it before, he reminds me of my Dad.
I will also say, I much prefer Michael Gambon to Richard Harris.
Gambon is both eccentric and wise where Harris was really only wise.

I've watched films 4 thru 7 Part I so many times that I
don't need to see them in the theater again.
I'll wait patiently for the final film release July 15th.

On my way to the theater on the bus, there was a lady with a small
black dog ( Pekingese??)  wearing a yellow raincoat with a hood.
It was adorable. His name is Sebastian.
I've posted a photo of' him and his owner as my photo
of the day on my Project 365.

 Sebastian in his rain coat!

I say Movies, because after Harry Potter, Adam was
waiting for me in a different theater in the same complex
as we went to see X-Men First Class.
I loved it. There is a great cameo scene.
It is my favorite of the X-Men films so far.
Wolverine coming in second - Hugh Jackman - yummy!

It was so well done, really well acted and written and
really tells the story of how Magento and Prof X
came to be.
I also really like James McAvoy.

After the film, Adam told me we had to stop by the PJs Pet in the mall.
The doggie in the window; a Pug/ Boston Cross with a brindle coat.

Seeing Dogs in pet shops break my heart.
Especially breeds that I know are prone to health issues.
Pets are not to be purchased as impulse buys because they are cute
or on a payment plan to a store at $50 month.

We got Crockett from a breeder after doing alot of research and meeting
the mother and puppies from previous litters.
These poor pups most likely came from somewhere sad
where they are looked at as profit and not family companions.

By the time we left the theater, the sun was shining.
Crockett and I went for a short walk and bumped into
his lady Pug friend Lola.
She is adorable. Regal.

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