Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I Scream, Crockett Screams, We All Scream...

Today was just one of those days that ice cream was mandatory.
A nice cool creamy heavenly vanilla.

Crockett goes mental for ice cream.
I don't know why.
It doesn't matter if it is in a bowl or a cone.
I've tried to hide it, but he just knows.

Magical Pug super powers.

It's also a reason why I no longer eat chocolate ice cream.
Vanilla or vanilla laced with butterscotch or caramel.
Has to be Pug safe!
I'll even dig ice cream out of an ice cream sandwich for him.
No chocolate.

We once had a dog named Sheba.
She was a cheeky monkey.
Crazy smart.
She was a Daschund mixed with what looked like a Lab.

We also had Candy, a beautiful Boxer Chow mix.
( I'm getting teary thinking about my doggies of days gone by....)

My parents & I made the mistake of going out & leaving a box of wrapped
Brandy Beans under the Christmas tree.
We got home to wrapping and ripped cardboard everywhere and Sheba
having had ingested way too much chocolate
and way too much hard liquor.
Then again, there is no such thing as too much...it should be none!
Seriously, scary and bizarre.

Sheba was none the worse off and after her buzz wore off,
she was back to her intelligent lovely dogness.
Our other dog Candy just looked at us with an expression on her face of,
" It wasn't me!"

Since then, no dog gets chocolate, gets near
chocolate or even sniffs chocolate.

I wish I'd had my camera tonight to film Crockett
going mental.
I'm quite sure there'll be a few more ice cream
treats before summers end to catch on film & post!

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