Saturday, June 18, 2011

Friday & Saturday in One

Thursday I came home from work early with a whopper of a headache.
Upon arrival home, I crashed onto my bed, fully clothed & woke up
a little over 8 hours later in my knickers with still a dull ache.

Friday was a half day & I felt great.
Except upon arrival home I had less than zero energy.
I again fell asleep & woke up at 7:30pm.

Poor Crockett needed a walk so I grabbed the camera & off we went.
Upon arrival home I came to my laptop to go thru & post my
picture of the day.
For whatever reason, I laid down on my bed and well.....
I fell asleep.

I woke up this morning having no idea what time it was.
Adam was snoring as was Crockett wrapped up in my legs.
I got up, grabbed Crockett and the camera & off we went.

Well, it wasn't early because the sun was high in the sky & it was hot.
Beautiful blue sky with a few clouds perfect hot summer day.
The down side...too hot for Pugs.

When we got home it was noon.
Both Crockett & I were huffing and puffing.
Adam made me some scrambled eggs.

My computer was configuring some updates so to pass the time,
I laid down on my bed and well.....
I fell asleep.

It is now 5:00pm and in the last 3 days I have been asleep
more than awake.

Here are the Friday & Saturday photos.
Friday we went for a walk around the block in the neighbourhood.
Today, we went into our favourite park next to our apartment.
Such a bright color.

Noise polluter!  I don't understand leaf blowers.
Ever heard of using a broom to get the leaves off the sidewalk?

Really pretty flower.

A flower pot full of Pansies

Up the side of our bldg

Good walk, he's had enough for the day.

They've not tended to any of the shrubs this season.

I don't know what these are called but they smell amazing.

The smell like perfume but not heavy and thick. Very light and fresh.

A Pug in the Sun.

This looks like a path that Frodo, Samwise, Merry and Pippin might have taken
on their way out the Shire to Bree.

He didn't want to take a step out of the shade into the Sun.

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