Monday, June 20, 2011

It Was One of Those Days

Today was one of those days.
Public transit and its riders got the better of me.

Perverts, ignoramuses or is it ignorami, loud talkers,
smelly people, line budders, women with far too few clothes on and...and...and.

By the time I got home I was ready to become a shut in.
I told Adam that if we had a balcony or backyard that was private, I
would be happy never coming into contact with the general public ever again.

I felt like taking Adam down to Graffiti Alley and have him film
me do a rant like Rick Mercer about stupid people.

It all started with the pervert and the scantily clad girl on her cell phone
with no awareness of what was happening around her.
I seriously need to check the news tomorrow to see if
there was a sexual assault or a missing person reported.

I get on the bus and there is a guy totally staring inappropriately at
a young girl (19-23) who is inappropriately dressed.
Don't get me started on the way young women dress these days.
Lets say I am old school, a prude and proud of it.
Anyway, she was sitting facing him, talking on her cell like, y'know, whatever,
he's sooo hot, we have to party this weekend, blah blah barf barf barf.

Her boobies were on a plate and her skirt was an inch
away from exposing her navel.
He was literally looking at her in a way that made me sooo uncomfortable.
I was sitting behind him & he was turned around sideways on the seat.
I put my paper up to hide my face & try to get her attention
but she was too into her phone conversation.

She got up a few stops after I got on and as she got off, just before the doors
closed, the perv darted up and squeezed off the bus through the closing doors.

I was aghast. I wanted to do something.
His eyes did not leave her as he followed her and she was OBLIVIOUS!
I wanted to get the bus to stop, to get her back on.
I wanted to pull out my camera & take a photo of the perv.
I felt helpless and useless.
I just hope she is ok and safe.

I plunked down all depressed and pissy in front of the TV tonight
and ate for too much french bread while I watched Hoarders.
Honestly, so sad.
I am the anti-hoarder.
I throw things away that shouldn't be thrown away.
Clutter to me is like jail. It traps me & overwhelms me.

As I was sitting there judging this hoarding woman's adult children
for not helping their mother years earlier, Adam called me & said
there was a car accident on Yonge Street.

Grabbed the camera & out we went.
A young lady with 2 kids.
She was distracted by them and crashed into a light post.
No serious injuries, just a few jittery souls, a valuable lesson
learned and a story to tell of how they were lucky all things considered.

She hit the lamp post behind the Fire Engine and that is
how far back the little silver car bounced.
The airbag deployed and there was something on the ground
in front of the post the size of a car battery.
No other cars, or pedestrians for that matter, were involved.

All I needed was a little bit of perspective to remind me
that as shitty a day I had, and it was shitty, there are folks out there
who had a shittier day than me.

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