Saturday, March 12, 2011

Saturday Afternoon

After I posted the photo of Adam with his
extreme bed head, he got an e-mail from our best friend
telling him to get a haircut.

Today, he got a hair cut AND he is going to shave
off his beard.  I get it, it probably feels good to have
soft smooth skin on your face, but I really dig the beard.
It'll grow back.

We have put off our movie date until next weekend
as we want to go see the new Robert DeNiro/Bradley Cooper
film Limitless. It looks superb.
Check out the trailer HERE.

While Adam was getting his hair cut, I went across the street
to the Yonge Eglinton Center.
I went into Mary Maxim, the knitting/craft store as I need a rug hook tool.
When I was at my parents place 2 weekends ago, my Mom gave
me a whole bag full of yarn & a rug hook sheet I bought years ago.
I'm going to complete it & put it in the bottom of
Crockett's basket for padding.

I also hit the dollar store for a note book and Solutions to
buy a Thermos for my morning Oatmeal. 
I've been buying it from Tim Horton's.
I figure at $1.99/day I'm spending too much.
The Thermos only cost $5.99.
Adam has said he'll make it for me in the mornings
so I can take it to work. What a sweetheart he is.

This is everything I bought myself today & I didn't spend more than $20.

When I got home Crockett actually scratched the door to go out.
Since Adam & I went out, Crockett only got a utility tinkle
this morning, so we went for our Saturday walk.

I'm going to post more of our walk photos over on my Tumblr page.
Click on my hand drawn camera link at the top right if you
want to see them.

A lady stopped her car & asked me if Crockett was friendly.
I said yes, thinking she wanted to pat him.
I then heard a loud GRUFF.
It sounded like a horse barking.
A 150lb German Sheppard came running towards us.
He was absolutely beautiful. Way too heavy, but beautiful.
Crockett didn't know what to make of him.

After he sniffed Crockett and let out a few more barks, he
was exhausted and had to sit down. Poor thing.
He let me rub the scruff of his neck and he moaned a bit.
I love Dogs.

As Crockett and I walked away, Crockett got all brave
and turned around & barked at him.
I was so happy I had my camera in hand & ready to shoot.

All in all a great afternoon & it's only 5:30pm.
The best part is I haven't slept the day away!

As I'm writing this, Adam put in a movie for me,
Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring.
He reminds me of my Dad.
So, I went to Face In Hole & created what I call;

Love it.

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