Friday, March 25, 2011

One Of Those Days

We had a return of winter here in Toronto on Wednesday.
To think that Spring was almost here was being a bit too optimistic.
I took this very lazy shot through the bedroom window,
hence the fuzzy screen.

It looks really nice and I don't mind the snow.
It covers up the city dirt.

What I do mind is how much more time it adds to my commute.
On a good day it can take up to 90 minutes.
On Wednesday, I left work at 4:00pm.
By the time I walked through the door, took off my
 coat, boots and changed into something
warm & comfortable, it was 6:45pm.
I also walked through the door in a foul mood and miserable.

Yes, I am a passenger, yes, I can bury my head in a book, but still.
It is exhausting, it is tedious and depending on my fellow
passengers, can be downright hellish.
Wednesday was a 6, with full on hell being a 10.
Lots of teenagers, lots of yelling, laughing and awful
vocabulary, like y'know.
Thank goodness, there were no crying babies.

Adam says I am an old curmudgeon.
The lady that yells at the kids to, 
"Turn it down" and "Get off my lawn".
Easy going I am not. I'll admit it openly.
Every neighbourhood needs a Broom Hilda!

Sadly, I woke up Thursday morning in the same mood from
Wednesday night.  It was just one of those days where
you'd like to turn off the alarm clock and pull the nice warm
covers back up over your head and sleep in.
Sensibility prevailed and I dragged my achy bones and weary soul
out of bed and off to work.

I am very sensitive and emotional but I do not wear my
emotions on my sleeve when I'm at work. 
I can be having the worst day ever and
if someone asks me how I am, I'd smile and say,
"Fine thank you, and you?"
All morning at the office I felt off.
My coffee didn't have enough sugar, the receptionist
called me with the stupidest thing and it took everything
in me not to reply with sarcasm or tone or to say,
"Um and you're telling me this why?"

It's days like these where my mind gets the better of me.
I start to question what it's all about.
Is my existence solely to collect a paycheque, pay the bills and
buy groceries?  Where's the joy?

I'm going to spend my free time this spring and
summer looking for the joy!

I found a furry ball of joy sitting in his bed in the living room.
Poor Crockett had to endure kisses and cuddles from me.
He really is a sweet dog and is a huge source of joy in our life.
Thank Dog!

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