Saturday, March 5, 2011

Fatigue, Black Dog & Stress Trifecta

I know I have something wrong with me as my weekends
for the better part of the last 2 months have been
spent sleeping or fighting to stay awake.
I am a living example of the 1st half of
Newton's Laws of Motion, Law I:
An object at rest will remain at rest unless acted on
by an unbalanced force.....

I pretty much wake up naturally at the same time every day.
The difference with Saturday & Sunday is that I choose to stay in bed.
I might wake up again at around 9:00am and again, make the decision
to get up & going or stay sloth-like.

Adam is a night-hawk so 99 out of 100 times I am up before him.
I've known for awhile that my sleep has been messed up, but today
it was confirmed when Adam commented on it.
I am a morning person. At least I was. I will be again.

He said, in a somewhat mocking voice,
"I love getting up early, I get so much done."

I love waking up with the sun, the quiet, the world is still.
I do my best thinking, my best work and set the pace of the day.
One of the reasons I love the weekends are
for Crockett's early morning walks.

The way I have dealt with both the Black Dog  and stress is
to sleep, but this time is different.
It feels as though I spend my time when not at work or on the bus,
 at home asleep.

Today, I woke up antsy. I was mentally bright and alert
but physically I felt like I was in OZ and a house had landed on me.
What I would love right now is to soak in a hot lavender
scented bubble bath by candle light and listen to some
soothing peaceful music, but I don't have the energy &
I'm hungry.

Adam has had a lazy day on the couch watching movies & he
must have fallen asleep.
He's just come in to check on me and
he looks, how I feel.

Extreme Bed-Head!

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