Friday, October 14, 2011

Pug and Bag Pipes

We live across the street from a Church.
Every now and then, I hear Bag Pipes.
To me they are both eerie and beautiful.
They give me goosebumps and make me feel sad all at once.

Tonight while taking Crockett for a walk, a car pulled
up and asked me where the Church was.
By the time our walk got Crockett and I close to the church,
 I could hear the Bag Pipes.

The musician was standing in front of a side entrance
that had a busy stream of sweet old men in kilts
and their dolled up wives going in.

I made eye contact with a lady and asked her, very politely
and with sensitivity, if the pipes were being played
for a funeral service.
She giggled & said no, it was for a party.

I googled the chruch & they were having an event this evening.
A St. Andrew's Society Ceilidh.

Click HERE for Wilikpedia's definition of a Ceilidh.

I posted a photo of the Church from in front of our door
on my Project 365 for today.

Here is a small bit of footage I took
as Crockett seemed to be dancing a jig to the music.

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