Thursday, January 26, 2012

Online Diagnosis

I have not felt at all well this week.
When I am stressed I get anxious.
Being anxious causes stress.
I am stressed, anxious and incredibly tired.
Awesome trifecta is it not?

I have been sharing my stress with it's regular home in my 
stomach, with my chest and shoulders.
I go from having a sore shoulder, to a sore back, to
a heavy chest, a tight neck and a light head.
Add worry to that & I can become a mess really fast.

I even had sympathy pains this morning
for my Mom in my left knee as I was walking to the subway.

I think I either have a doozy of a chest cold
on the way or my Sarcoidosis is flaring up.
Walking with purpose exhausts me
and stairs, ugh, stairs.

I am doing everything to stay away from Web MD
as undoubtedly, if I looked up my symptoms, I'd
make a beeline for the nearest ER.