Monday, January 23, 2012

She's A Lady

There are females that are "women" and there
are females that are "ladies".
My Mother, for many reasons, is a lady.

On Friday, she fell and broke her Patella (kneecap).
On Saturday, after a very uncomfortable
and exhausting evening, she had to deal with
my arrival in the morning and my barrage of 
questions and examination.

Even with all the pain and fatigue, she put herself together,
lipstick and all, in preparation of the arrival of my brother
and his family after lunch.
My Mom didn't want to upset her 2 grand daughters
by looking ill or out-of-sorts.

This photo reflects that.
She participated in the game "kitchen".
She put invisible milk and sugar into her
teacup of invisible tea and enjoyed
a plastic waffle with some lemon soup while
my brother put away some groceries he picked up.
So nice for my parents to have one less thing to 
think about for a few days.

Early Sunday morning we went to the
Fracture clinic and the rest of the day we
tried to figure out the easiest and most
comfortable ways for her to do basic things
that we take for granted every day.

I came home this evening to go back to work tomorrow
although, I really would rather be there with her.
She sustained quite a few secondary injuries and nasty
bruises as a result of this fall that will add to her
discomfort & it kills me.

She has to keep the cumbersome leg brace on for
minimally 6 weeks.
I've told my Mom she needs to relax & take it easy
but never in a bagazillion years is this the way anyone
should be forced to sit down.

When I got home tonight, I let Adam know that for the unforeseeable
future, he is a weekend bachelor and although
I know he feels awful for my Mom & what she's going
through, the thought of weekend bachelorhood
prompted a small "woo hoo" from him.