Monday, August 16, 2010


Generally, I've only liked to read novels in the Winter.
Something about cuddling up on the couch in flannel jammies with a
blanket with a good book.
Summer tends to be more magazine focused.
Big glossy photos of Salads, Fruit, Picnics...

I have an hour (on a good day) commute each way to work on public transit.
Time spent reading the newspaper and doing the crossword.

I've decided to read books instead.

I've put aside The Old Man and The Sea as it is so slow, I actually fell asleep
reading it, which is something I DO NOT like to do on the bus.
It will be my Sunday afternoon book.

My next selection is a book I bought myself for Christmas last year.
Special Edition Jane Austen's Emma.

It has beautiful Illustrations and a few extras such as A Jane Austen Timeline,
Jane Austen's England and Description of Fashions. Lovely.

My Mother is, as I write this, on her way to the airport for a trip to England.
I will read this book, with an English accent in my head, thinking of her in the English Countryside.

(Inside Jacket Cover)

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