Thursday, December 1, 2011

Radvent Blog Journaling Project 2011

One of my favorite blogs, that I've mentioned several times
on my blog and has given me inspiration is Alycia's
I have her button over there to the right- - - - >

Alycia is participating again this year in
and I think I too will participate.

What is challenging you the most right now?
Honestly, it has been day to day life. Everything seems to be a struggle. I feel overwhelmed more often than not.  I don't know where to begin and I end up shutting down and watching movies to escape reality. 
- The Mr. has been out of work now for longer than expected. I stress about ends meeting.
- My 20+ hour a week public transit commute to work sucks the life out of me.
- I suffer with depression that gets a little more difficult to cope with this time of year with the lack of sunlight.
- My pants are a bigger size than I'd like and I just can't seem to keep my nutrition on track.
- I haven't really moved my body or worked up a real sweat in what feels like forever.
- I'm neglecting the laundry and I hate hate hate when it piles up.
- One of the most challenging things I face lately is staying kind and not turning into a total bitch.

...and how can you be grateful for it?
I am grateful for how I have handled these challenges. I have focused on the positive, been grateful for what we do have, counted my blessings and started doing things that give me joy, like knitting, drawing, painting, reading and taking photographs. I am grateful because what all of these challenges have shown me is that I have a solid and loving marriage.  I am strong. I am resilient. I have a few people in my life who really care about, love me and have helped my through my challenges in so many ways (Thanks Mom & Dad!). I am on medication that helps me and hasn't turned me into a zombie. Mostly I am grateful that the majority of these challenges are temporary.

Reflect on one challenging thing in the past year that you kicked butt at.
Dealing with my depression and anxiety.  I did not want to go on medication. Previous medications helped with the sadness and melancholy but they took away all emotion. I was scared that would happen again. I finally opened up to my MD, told her everything and we made a plan together. Dealing with the depression took away the anxiety.

...what would you have told yourself?
There is nothing wrong with admitting you need help and asking for it.

Journal 3 times each week of December.
Although I have this blog, I still keep a written journal and 3 times a week is an excellent attainable goal.