Saturday, December 3, 2011

We Tried

Crockett and I didn't make the Dog party today.
Not for a lack of trying.

The Subway just didn't cooperate with us and
I seemed to not take into consideration that
being December everyone would be out shopping.
The subway was packed full of people and bags.

Then there was a delay due to passenger assistance
on a train that has us at a dead stop in the middle
of a tunnel for 15 minutes.

By the time we started moving again, we'd traveled only 5 of 23 stops.
I'd had enough.
We got off and came back home.

 It's beautiful outside and we had a nice
leisurely walk home from the Subway Station.
(See Project 365 for Crockett bumping into Wilson)

With the warm weather & lack of snow,
there are many fat happy squirrels about.

When we got home it felt as though we'd been
out forever and accomplished nothing.
At least we both got fresh air.