Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Funk Be Gone. Please.

Finally my little corner of the world is back to normal.
Almost 2 weeks ago, Adam's computer bit the dust.
What was to be a small fix ended up being a major overhaul.

I don't like using Adam's computer for a number of reasons 
and he doesn't like me using it either.
I get it, because I hate it when he uses mine.

He's an Internet Explorer.
I'm a Firefox.
He's a multiple window open multitasker.
I am focused on one thing at a time.
 He's a Forum Admin.
I'm a Blogger.
His mouse is sticky & covered in hot sauce.
Mine is not.
Some say separate bathrooms is the recipe for a happy marriage. 
I say it's separate computers. 

My computer is now back on my homemade desk in the
corner of our bedroom with my dog sleeping happily behind
me on his pillow on the bed.

Adam is in his man cave with all the settings on his computer
as he needs them to be and no longer needs mine.
The world again makes sense.

Sadly, that was not the only thing keeping me away
from the keyboard.
I could have updated my blog during the 10 minutes
a day that Adam stepped away from the screen but I
have been in a bit of a funk.
It was even bothering me that I wasn't keeping up with Radvent.

A pre-Christmas, lack of daylight, S.A.D,
Black Dog funk.
The weather has been wonderful.
Bad for the planet, animals and plants, but good
for someone with a pedestrian lifestyle who is prone to
falling on the ice.
I've said and felt since the end of November
that I'm just not feeling Christmas this year.
I want to, I'm just not.

Is it because I don't have enough disposable income to buy quality gifts?
Because I'm not willing to go into debt for a few luxuries?
Because Christmas is magical for kids and we don't have kids?
Because we haven't decorated?
Because I have NO IDEA what to get for anyone?
Who knows.

I am looking forward to having some time off.
For the 1st time EVER, I will be off between
Christmas & New Year.
It's not even booked vacation time.
I'll be off Friday at noon returning to work
on Monday Jan 2'12.

What are we doing?
Cuddling on the couch with Adam & Crockett.
I want my parents to come over and spend time here with us.
I want to watch movies and documentaries.
(All 3 Extended BluRay & Extras of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy and
maybe even trying a Harry Potter Marathon)
I want to go see the shop Christmas Windows downtown.
I want to go up to the restaurant at The Bay on the top floor
and eat  a Club Sandwich and French Fries as I look out over 
The Eaton's Center and City Hall and watch all the people moving about in the city.
I want a Candy Cane Latte.
(Adam graciously offered to put some toothpaste in my coffee as an alternative)
I'd love to go skating a City Hall but won't as I wish to remain injury free.
I want to sit & wait while Adam goes to music stores and
browses through thousands of CDs and DVDs.
I want to bake and prepare delicious meals.
I want to knit.
I want to be domestic and do laundry.
I want to tidy & reorganize my DVDs.
I just want to enjoy waking up and not rushing out to catch a bus. 
I want to sleep well.
I want to take Crockett for walks.
Take photographs.
I want to write.
I want to read.
I want to take long bubble baths.
I want to organize my (pardon my french) shit to start off 2012 right.
 Too much to ask?
I don't think so.

It is amazing.
I started this blog in July 2010.
There are a few blogs that I read daily.
They are written by people I admire and who inspire me.
A few feel like they are my friends although we've never met.
I've been introduced to creative, smart, witty, funny, artsy-crafty,
dog and cat loving people.
Being away from my blog for even a few days made me feel odd.
I know I am not a writer but for me, this blog is my platform, 
it is my therapy, it is my place for exercising my brain
and challenging myself.

Right now, sitting here writing while
I drink a nice cup of tea, I'm already feeling a bit better.