Friday, December 2, 2011

Radvent 12/2

The key to keeping your balance is knowing when you've lost it. Anonymous

As a teenager, I was always busy. School, friends, figure skating, swimming, band, volleyball, badminton, soccer and the list goes on.  I was lucky, it was the 80's. I had no issue with balance and a large part of that was due to a Mom who took such great care of me and let me sleep in on the weekends.

My 20's were tough.  I had moved away from where I grew up, away from all my friends and all that I knew. My job for the first few years was a 4pm - 11pm shift. That didn't give me too much time for a social life. I didn't have a problem with balance per se, I had no balance. I had no life.

By my mid 30's, I was happily married and for the first time in a long time I felt as though I had a life/work balance.  That was it, it was a life/work balance. Not a life/work/recreational balance. 

I'm now 43 years old and a total homebody. I even enjoy being by myself sometimes, I need it. I need that quiet time to just think, walk, enjoy nature, breathe deeply. It's the LIFE part of the equation that brings me the most joy and happiness. The LIFE part for me is family, home, sharing the tasks of daily life with Adam. I admit, I am too comfortable with my lack of social/recreational activities and that is the part of the balance equation I will be working on in the coming year. I'm thinking maybe a book club or an art & crafts group, maybe a yoga class.

I will say that if I ever do feel off balance, I sleep.  I mean a weekend sleep marathon. Those are the best.

* * *
The 3 most important things I need to do this evening are:

1. Give Crockett a bath.  
We are going to a Dog Party tomorrow. He got an invitation from my boss's dog Sasha the Sheltie to attend her 10th birthday party. There'll be 5 dogs there. I have NO IDEA what to expect. If nothing else it'll give me good material for a blog post :) I will of course take my camera with me.

2. Sort the laundry.
The laundry has been neglected this week. The overflowing hamper is making me mental crazy go-nuts.

3. Be in bed and asleep by midnight. 
No sitting in front of my lap top into the wee hours of the morning.