Thursday, May 26, 2011

Je suis très fatigué.

I really am today, I don't know what it is.
Almost everyone I speak with feels the same.
I have no umph, not get up and go.
I even feel as though I'm thinking slower.

Is it wrong that I'm looking forward to the weekend so
I can be sedentary?
I know what would probably make me feel 100 times
better is if I moved. Increased my heart rate, perhaps sweat a little.

Short weeks are also killer.
The long weekends are lovely, but there is a trade off.
Today felt like Friday.
I got 4 days of work done in 3 days.
Short day tomorrow.

If I were another species today, I feel I would be this:


Aren't Sloths just the cutest?
I love them.

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