Thursday, May 5, 2011


For the last few days, I've been almost stuck
in deep thought, reflection and preoccupation with the
question "what do I want out of life?"

Mid-life crisis? No.
Mid-life review? Sort of.
I'm not reflecting upon my life up to now.
I've already spent enough time doing that.
I can't change what's in the past. I can only
hope to learn from all my experiences both positive
and negative and move forward a better me.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, my life is not perfect.
I don't think anyone's life is perfect really.
If I was asked, I don't think I could clearly explain what
a perfect life for me would consist of, what it would look like.
I do, have aspects of my life, that make me realize I am blessed.
I recognize that and I am grateful.

The "what do I want out of life" question is actually a selfish question.
I've never been a selfish person. In fact, one of my biggest faults
is that I've never been selfish.  Not in the arrogant way, but
in the way of taking care of my own needs and happiness above
the needs and happiness of others.
If I could describe myself in one word it would be, caregiver.
I don't want to change that, I just want to include myself in it!

I had a feeling come over me yesterday, a sort of light bulb feeling.
A switch was turned on and I had real clarity.
What's that called? An Epiphany?
My thoughts were very precise, logical, sensible and
I could clearly see the way to get the place where I want to be.

I'm going with it and putting it into action.
I'm not ready to share details yet.
I will. One day.
I promise.


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