Monday, October 25, 2010

Toronto Mayoral Election Disappointment

This post is about politics......for that, I apologize in advance.

I have never been overly political.
I care about right and wrong, good and bad, fairness.
I vote based on my beliefs and how they are met by the candidates platforms.
This time alot of Torontonians were talking about voting against someone.
I agree we needed to vote against Rob Ford but we also needed to vote for
something or someone.
That is my personal opinion based on my watching the debates,
reading up on their platforms, taking their experience,
past performance and leadership ability into account.
This is about alot more than just balancing a budget.

Everyone has the right to vote.
Sadly not everyone excercised that right today.
 I also have the right to disagree and
be disappointed with the result.

I fear for the Toronto of the next 4 years.
We've taken a huge step backwards.
I just may become a bit more political and involved as a result of this election.

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